Stay away from negative “friends”
- Here’s how I’m attending Escaping Shawshank! Update on Caleb’s progress
- I’m trying to jump-start my career and it’s depressing to get negative feedback from family and friends.
- I am discouraged because I feel like I’m not qualified and worthless.
- What can a Christian wife do (besides nagging) to help her husband find a new path and a new direction?
- Would you consider advertising through a vehicle wrap on our 30 ft Airstream?
“Keep away from angry, short-tempered men, lest you learn to be like them and endanger your soul.” Proverbs 22:24-25 (TLB)
Other Resources:
10 Tips for Getting Your First Coaching Client
The Strangest Secret YouTube Video of Earl Nightingale’s message
48 Days Coaching Mastery Program
Coaching with Excellence – September 3-4, 2015 May Event is SOLD OUT
Question for Dan – https://www.48days.com/ask-
Books mentioned this week:
The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles Paperback – by Steven Pressfield
Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative — by Austin Kleon
Another great episode. I, too, have been surrounded by negativity at times. Distancing myself from those influences has been so, so valuable. I remember worrying about my life being “different” if I started distancing myself from those friends regularly pointed out the negative to any positive event in the name of being “realists.”
Then I experienced the incredible rush and peace of finding and surrounding myself with positive people who have similar goals as me and there is no going back.
Wow – you’re last sentence captures the essence of my long diatribe on this. I’m sure I’ll be sharing that on upcoming episodes of my podcast.
I have a suggestion for the questioner who wanted to learn call center operations, specifically those related to Pat Robertson’s ministry. He can do that from home, right now. There is a company called LiveOps that hires independent contractors to take calls for a range of services, including those coming in for one major televangelist (not Robertson). Yes, I’ve taken orders for Slim Jeggings, expanding hoses and every other telemarketed product, but I’ve also handled donations to charities during telethons, talked with people in crisis when they requested prayer and directed people to the right telephone number when they misdialed an 800# and reached me. The pay per minute varies, according to the time of day and the product line, but it’s an excellent infroduction to the whole call center business AND it allows a work-at-home person to interact with people for a while. He can find the information on hiring in at: http://www.liveops.com.
Thanks for all you do @disqus_jUfj1DHMwB:disqus. Can’t wait to see you and Joanne at Shawshank.
Yay for more fulltime RV families! We’ve been on the road for 4+ years. It’s an awesome lifestyle…;)
Dan, thank you for answering my question on this podcast. I would like to update you that using your advice in visualizing myself moving forward I have likewise moved into a job that I enjoy that is supportive of my future engineering training.
Congrats on moving forward. It’s all about taking little steps consistently toward our ultimate goal.