Create the Workplace

Your Team Brags About

Many companies are struggling to create a culture their employees brag about, keep the right people, and find suitable candidates to then fit into that developed culture.

You deserve to create your dream team.

Your team deserves to be excited about Mondays.

48 Days DISC Assessments for business can help you reveal your team members’ sweet spots so every person plays the RIGHT role, reaches their potential, and feels max satisfaction at work.

We hear you. And we have a solution.

Ace a new language of awareness and understanding… Your big fat easy button

The 48 Days DISC Team has been creating culture for many companies over many years.

We believe 85% of the process of truly thriving in the workplace is knowing yourself and knowing others.

The DISC Assessments for business have been a powerful tool we’ve seen completely transform teams as they better understand how to motivate, challenge and empower individuals to work in their strengths.

With just 24-questions and instant results, you’re equipped with a “cheat sheet” to get the results you’re looking for.

Let’s make creating culture easy.









3 Steps

Create Your Dream Team

A team who is using DISC Assessments for business to improve their team's morale and productivity.

Step 1: Learn the Options

We want to ensure you know what you’re getting and all your questions are answered! In addition to getting the profiles, you can customize them, bring in coaching or a workshop, and more. Connect with Myhriah to discuss your unique situation and try a sample report.

Step 2: Get Your Resources

We have a variety of profiles to offer, each complete with customization and various ways to purchase. We’ll work with you to ensure we’re delivering exactly what you need, and can add in pages and a company logo to really have these as a part of your company. Pick what profiles you want and work with Myhriah to get it presented just as you’d like.

Step 3: Know Your Team

We want to make it easy for you! As soon as anyone on your team takes one of our DISC assessments for businesses, the result will go directly to whomever needs to see it so you can instantly move forward with implementing the insights you recieve from it. If you need further direction/analysis, we have the support you’re looking for.

Meet Ashley Logsdon

As the head of 48 Days, Ashley has grown up with the same passion around coaching and relationships as her father, Dan Miller. She started digging in to all things DISC when she was twelve years old and has been learning the nuances of it since then.

In our working world, we spend a lot of time in the workforce. A toxic atmosphere of disconnection can cause the bottom line to suffer, not to mention the staff that dreads coming to work each day. As Ashley lays out the “Language of Empathy” your environment gets a new layer of insight to navigate in a way where the uniqueness of one can add value and synergy to them all. 

Ashley will walk you through any questions you have, how to customize these profiles so they are truly a part of your company process, and can even discuss workshops and other training to build your confidence in utilizing these tools.

Ashley Logsdon Chief Inspiration Officer 48 days team

Get Started Today!

DISC Assessments for Business

You can jump straight in and get started with our top DISC assessments for businesses right here. With discounted bulk purchase and subscription options, it’s easy to set this up and have a simple process to ensure you have the DISC assessments you need at any point. Full details on each page.

Take advantage of our current bulk assessment discounts so that EVERYONE on your team can benefit from the insights of DISC!**

Sales Profile

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Classic Profile

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Group Dynamics

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A bit more about what the 48 Days Company is all about…

We have been working with individuals and companies for over 20 years now with this mission:

Our mission is to foster the process of imagining, dreaming and introspection, to help people find their calling and true path, and to translate that into meaningful, purposeful and profitable daily work… all within 48 Days!

We work with individuals and businesses to ensure their companies are thriving – with a clear purpose, plan, and roles so the synergy created is a successful propeller for a business that truly works. Beyond DISC assessments and certification, we offer 1-1 Coaching, an entrepreneurship-minded membership community, and plenty of accessible online courses and resources in our store. Contact us for more information on how DISC assessments can benefit you and your team.