In a recent post I mentioned that I would be promoting a new book today. That book is Chris Guillebeau’s newest creation – The Happiness of Pursuit.
I quoted a passage that says: “Nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future.” Security is not our friend. It is more likely to bury our adventurous spirit and our passion for being fully alive. In the latest EntreLeadership podcast Seth Godin told Dave Ramsey he encourages people to “do enough that something doesn’t work.” That’s where we find new opportunities, new solutions and new adventures.
Another quotation that addresses this is at the base of the Hancock Tower in Chicago. It says: “Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s souls and themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will not die.” – Daniel Burnham, Chicago architect
Think about it – what’s more fun for a dog? Chasing the car that’s just out of reach, or having caught the car to then sit beside it in the driveway? Well of course – the chase is the exciting part. As it is for each of us. The central message of The Happiness of Pursuit is that a quest can improve your life.
Chris interviewed:
- A man who had undertaken a vow of silence for 17 years
- People who walked across entire countries or continents
- A family that embraced unconventional living together by cycling from Alaska to Argentina
- A woman who cooked a meal from every country in the world
- A gal who spent 449 days in a tree to protest rampant logging
- A guy who completed M.I.T.’s complete four-year computer program in one year
Have you taken on a quest lately? Do you have something that gets you up in the morning – that energizes you and that will leave a legacy for you?
Read more about The Happiness of Pursuit here – it just might unlock the most exciting adventure of your life.
If you have questions you can shoot at note to Andy Traub at [email protected] with questions. Come, be inspired and clarify your “quest.”
Sorry for almost letting the cat out of the bag the other day 🙂 I had the pleasure of interviewing Chris for the Huffington Post!
Kimanzi – not a problem. Today’s the big day. He’s already at #101 on Amazon. Hey great interview on HP with Chris. How did you put that deal together to be writing for them – very cool.
Funny story. I met a friend at Expert’s Academy in 2012. We haven’t talked much, but out of the clear blue she reached out asking for a copy of my book. After she read the book, she asked if I wanted to write anywhere. I said sure, and it turns out she’s friends with Arianna Huffington. She made the intro 🙂
Kimanzi – the power of vital relationships – how cool. We sent copies of Arianna’s book Thrive to everyone in my Mastermind. Then my wife Joanne started a book study where they spent two months in it. Congrats on writing for HP.
Thank you sir. You always inspire me to color outside of the lines!
Security is NOT our friend. Wow, wow, wow – that’s some challenging food for thought. But that’s so true. I really see how wanting to hold on to security has held me back and is holding me back, as well as many of my students here. It’s so hard to NOT go the safe way. I was listening to an interview with Chris on Jeff Goins’ Portfolio Life podcast the other day, and he said that the way things are these days (my paraphrase), it’s not safe to NOT be an entrepreneur. To not strike out on your own, or not to take up a side hustle.
Thanks for putting this all out here Dan. Really appreciate it. I’m making my plans and gathering my resources… it’s coming to a head.