3 Tips On How To Achieve Your Goals
Often, we have someone call our office about making a change in his or her life. We send information and then hear nothing. Two years later, that person calls and says, “Now I’m ready to really create a plan.” What I always wonder is, What did they do for those two years?
And usually, when we meet, it confirms my suspicion that they simply continued doing what they had been doing.
We know we all have a tendency toward continuing the status quo. But once you have made a decision, what would cause you to wait? If you said you wanted to be in better shape physically, when would you like to start? Do you want to do better financially? When would you like to get started? If you want to be more successful, when would you like to start? Many times the years go by and I hear people regret that they did not start something earlier.
There is a book titled Five Frogs on a Log. The essence of the book is this: Five frogs were sitting on a log. Four decided to jump off. How many were left? And it goes on to suggest that there were still five frogs on the log.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”There is a difference between “deciding” and “doing”. @48daysteam ” quote=”There is a difference between “deciding” and “doing”.”]
Now is a great time to clarify your goals for next year.
I would suggest that you decide now to have your goals for the new year set by November 14th. And Do it!
Most people wait until January 1st and then think “I need to have some goals.” But then it’s New Years Day – ball games are on, surely I can take the day off. The next day it’s back to work, new things are being talked about at work and the first two weeks fly by. By the time you get some goals laid out it’s nearly February 1st. At that point you think, how can I have the sequential progression over 12 months when one month is already gone. It’s easy to rationalize, I’ll just start next year. And thus weeks turn into months, months turn into years and all of a sudden 20 years have gone by in your own personal version of Ground-Hog Day.
On the other hand, what if you had your goals clearly laid out in 7 areas of your life by November 14th? You know exactly what you want success to look like for you next year – financially, physically, spiritually, socially, in your family, in personal development and in your career. Then you relax and enjoy the holidays, confident that your thinking is already helping you make the choices necessary to achieve your goals.
Your life will begin to change before January 1st
And here’s what will happen – guaranteed. Because you have clarified what those new levels of success will look like and you’ve written them down – your life will begin to change before January 1st. Even though you are busy with holiday activities you will be amazed at how subtly things start to shift and you start to achieve your goals. There is something almost magical that happens when you clarify in your thinking and on paper what an ideal life would be.
Why 48 Days?
I am frequently asked, “Why does all your material talk about 48 Days?” And of course I explain that we did a complex mathematical calculation, with scientific evidence based on the rotation of the earth for the ability of humans to redirect their behavior.
We are told that it takes 21 days to create a new habit – good or bad. 30, 60, or 90 days are too generic; I wanted a more distinctive and memorable time period. The show “48 Hours” was growing in popularity, so I decided to make it “48 Days.” It just sounded good and I do believe in having a specific time period. And we found that people responded very positively.
There was the excited expectation: “You mean I really can change my life in 48 Days?” And my response was then as it is now, “Yes, you can – IF you have a plan!”
There is considerable evidence to indicate that expectations of your future do, in fact, tend to create your future. People usually end up pretty much where they expect. It seems reasonable then, to spend some time determining specific, worthwhile expectations that will make your life more meaningful.
“It takes as much time and energy to wish as it does to plan.” Eleanor Roosevelt
Make No Little Plans
Now there’s a challenge – make no little plans! As we start a New Year make sure that the plans you are making are big enough to excite and motivate you.
Risk more, stretch more, and make more mistakes. [click_to_tweet tweet=”Remember, the cautious never reach new shores or climb big mountains. @48daysteam” quote=”Remember, the cautious never reach new shores or climb big mountains. “]
If you want to travel more, double or triple your income, invent the next Frisbee or launch the next Starbucks, you must set big goals. Greatness and a unique calling are not reserved for pastors, celebrities and artists. All of us have in our heart the image of the person we can be and the life we can live.
I’m ready to blitz on writing projects in the coming year. I have 9 major projects in varied stages of completion. My goal is to release one new course a month for the first three months.
I might also add that I always set my goals so I have about a 50-50 chance of hitting them. So if I “only” produce 6 new ebooks, books, courses, etc. this next year that will still be light years ahead of the average guy on the street who’s dreaming of writing a book someday.
Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will not die.Daniel H. Burnham
To Achieve Your Goals, Be Very Specific
As a coach, I hear lots of people talking about their goals. And it’s often – “I want a better job.” “I want to start my own business,” “I want to make a lot of money” or “We want a nicer house.”
If you live in Haiti, a “lot of money” might be five dollars a day. If you’re living in a grass hut, a “nicer house” may be one that has electricity.
Be careful about thinking you’re moving in a positive direction if you’ve only identified general and non-specific goals.
If you want a Mercedes convertible I can point you to a rusted out 1982 model in my neighbor’s back yard. Want t a better job? I can tell you Home Depot is hiring 60,000 new people this year, starting at $14 an hour. If you tell me you want to be able to count piles of cash I can send you to Regions Bank – they’re hiring $12/hr tellers. You’ll get your “dream” although you’ll be counting other peoples’ money.
If you want an oceanfront home in the Caribbean you can check out the one Joanne and I visited a couple years ago in Placencia, Belize. The view was spectacular and the trees in the front yard were impressive. It was probably about 600 square feet and had no glass in the windows but it did have running water and electricity.
If you want a “better job” define what that would mean
Here’s an example:
I want a job that involves working with computers, in a 20-50 person company in the medical industry, no more than 15 miles from my home, with a salary of at least $85,000, in the next 48 days.
The more specific you are about your goals the more likely you will be able to achieve your goals.
What are your “big plans” for the new year? How do you plan to achieve your goals?
“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life less than the one you are capable of living.” – Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa
Are you a goal setter? Do you typically set goals at the first of the year? If not, why not?
If you need some help in the process of getting started, get my goal setting guide here.
I made a New Year’s resolution to drive past a gym twice a week this year, and I have kept that resolution. Maybe I need to actually go in during this coming year.
Travis – ah that’s great! Surely there’s some ancillary benefit from just driving by.
Just set my 2017 goals. Thanks, Dan!
Jevonnah – awesome. I have as well. Love seeing them in print in front of me.
I’ve downloaded the PDF and noticed three of these items (Financial, family, and spiritual) do not apply to me. I don’t have family and don’t plan to start one. I have no spirituality in my life. I don’t care about my finances.
With this in mind, is this system not for me? Do I fail with maybe four of the seven targets in play? I’d be curious to hear the answer.
I don’t think this is possible. You can’t exist without being plugging in to a financial system. Even if you’re trading potatoes for eggs you have bought into some kind of economic system. And understanding a financial model will improve your life – without question. Having “no spirituality” in you life implies that nothing exists that you cannot touch or see. So you’ve just eliminated beauty, joy and all the things we can’t explain. Very boring existence. No family? Maybe not connected to biological people – but surely there are people you relate to and care about. They can become your “family.”
I love the challenge of your question, but no, I wouldn’t bother setting goals in the other four areas of your life. Without these three you don’t have a life. I’ll take this and expand more on my podcast this week. Thanks for the provocative opportunity.
I am sad to hear you say this, but I understand why you would think I don’t have a life.
I do have a life, and every day is indeed a good day to be alive. My previous life was filled with a lot of physical, sexual, and mental abuse. I’ve faced suicide twice. I know the deeper and darker recesses of my mind. I don’t have spirituality, but I know the value of a day above ground and accepting that things are out of my control in most cases.
I don’t strive for these things (spirituality, financial stability, or family). There are a lot of people who don’t have them and they succeed and struggle like all humans.
I appreciate your time in answering, even if it is a little more critical than I expected.
Matthew – hey, not meant to be critical but to maybe encourage you to recognize you can’t just eliminate those areas of your life. You are moving toward your expectations in those areas even if you haven’t acknowledged having “goals” there. I really believe that in the absence of “spirituality” you would be little more than a robot. Simply seeing yourself as part of a bigger picture is a spiritual response – and opens the door to lots of exciting possibilities.
I appreciate the input, but those categories will always remain at a zero.
Thank you for verifying this and all the advice you give. I will continue to forge on and do what I must.