It’s now July – a great time to take a look at this year’s progress. Have you completed half of your goals for this year? Are you on track with your physical, spiritual, personal development and financial goals? Are you more in line with your life plan than you were at the beginning of the year? Did you plan to be exactly where you are today five years ago?
Commit to making the redirections needed to help you stay on target to complete those goals you set for 2014.
I often hear poignant statements about how people see themselves. Don’t let these describe your ongoing position:
“I’ve essentially drifted through life.”
”I’ve lived my whole life by accident.”
“I’m a box of parts and nothing fits together.”
“I feel like my life is a movie that is almost over and I haven’t even bought the popcorn yet.”
”I feel like I’m a butterfly caught in a spider web and the life is slowly being sucked out of me.”
“I feel like a prostitute – in return for a very nice salary, they’ve taken my heart, soul and mind.”
Would you like a free plan to structure where you’re going the rest of this year?
Click here My Plan for the rest of 2014
The choice is clear – are you going to feel like you were in driver’s seat in 2014 – living out your values and clear priorities? Or are you going to feel victimized, allowing circumstances to control and drive you?
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the
bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds
in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
– Mark Twain
The past three years have ended without the change I so desperately longed for at the beginning of each of those years. I started this year with 100% determination to not let it happen again this year. I found 48 Days in March and it’s been a great help to get me where I am right now at the halfway point of the year. In April, God revealed His calling for the career change we both knew I needed. I know without doubt what He has called me to do. He has called me into an area I really have no experience in, yet I am so excited about! I’ve only shared with a few people this crazy calling God has given me because I’m afraid of their reactions. I will be sharing with my family and friends very soon though that God has called me to be a clown and to share His joy through the joy I hope to bring to children and adults. The goal sheet you’ve linked to is now a top priority in going forth with the determination I have to follow where I believe I’m called to be. I hope by having more clearly defined goals I will be able to find an answer to
“Ok God, You’ve called….now what?”.
It’s crazy how fast this year has gone already! I was just thinking about my goals Dan and there are a few major ones I need to put some serious work into.
Good reminder of how the year is half way over. Need to look back on my goals. Thanks Dan!
I am more in line with my goals than I was at the beginning of the year. I have more to do, but I’m making progress each day. It is important to periodically review where we are with our goals, make sure we are still in align with them, and tweak any if necessary.
Being in the drivers seat also means choosing to have goals or not. Previously, I’ve had very rigid goals for the year. I didn’t always achieve all of them, but the end of the year was always great for looking back at accomplishments.
This year, I’ve decided to take it differently, and just take opportunities as they arise, without setting goals.
I’ve already rebranded and relaunched my business, as well as gaining new clients through referrals alone.
It’s been a good experiment so far !
Thanks for the download Dan! My years always start so clear and usually end in a pile of chaotic busyness. 🙂 It’s so needed to take a halftime and refocus! On a micro level I’m learning that I need to take Wednesday nights and spend some time getting back the clarity I had for the week on Sunday night.
Dan, thanks for the download, and I love the quote! Thanks for sharing.
Right on point. Thanks Dan! Just hit the SEND button on the computer — off goes my book manuscript to the editor. It was a goal for this year and I can’t believe it’s happening! Thanks for your encouragement.
Jevonnah – congratulations! I don’t know anyone who has brought more new products and services to the table this year than you. Keep blazing the trail.