Can Work Be About More Than Money?
We’re now in the 10th consecutive month where more than 4 million people have quit their jobs. Most of them left to find more money. And now a new survey tells us one in five of those people regret leaving their previous job. What is missing if they are getting more pay? I’ll give you the three things people need – and what you can legitimately expect from your job.
Episode #828 April 29, 2022
Hi this is Dan Miller – and yes you’re listening to the 48 Days Radio show – where each week we take 48 minutes to dive into real-life questions about finding your passion, deciding what kind of life you want to live – and then finding or creating work that allows you to show up every day, excited to be able to do something that is meaningful, fulfilling – and profitable. This is where normal, indecision and ambiguity come to die. Welcome to the 48 Days Radio Show.
Thank you for being a listener of this podcast. I love hearing from you and being allowed to think through the questions we all have about finding or creating work that matters, for people who care.
What are you looking for in your work besides money?
Find out more about “the dog on the nail” here. In Daniel Pink’s book, Drive, he lists three things people need to be happy in their work:- Autonomy
- Mastery
- Purpose
Can I do the 48 Days to the Work You Love process in only 30 Days?
If you’ve already read the book and are looking for another job, you can compress the first few days in our 48 Days Schedule. Combine:- Days 1 and 2
- Days 3 and 4
- Days 5 and 6
- Day 7 and 8
- Day 9 and 10
- Day 11 and 12
- Day 13 and 14
- Day 15 and 16
- Day 17 and 18
- Day 19 and 20
- Day 21 and 22
- Day 23 and 24
- Day 25 and 26
I’ve worked in the same job for 23 years and I’m just bored.
Find out more: How to Change Your Life and Head Toward SuccessI’m 43 years old, in the military and can retire in 18 months with half pay – what would you do?
Here are 4 options for you, Brian:- Stay in the military and coast with the rank and income you have now.
- You can leave in that 18 months, work half time and still make the same money while having a whole lot of freedom.
- You can get a comparable job in recruiting and operations and make 1.5 times what you’re making now. That increase could fund a pretty good retirement fund.
- With a nice guaranteed base, you can explore doing something on your own that you’ve always wanted to do.
I started a job 3 months ago and now know I made a bad decision. What should I do?
Taking a job is always an experiment. There’s really no way to know until you spend some time there.I have a side business but feel like I’m spinning my wheels.
You can’t add a side business that is requiring an exchange of time for money. You might want to continue doing your carpentry side business with the plan to transition to full-time in 6 months. Get my formula for building your side business with 15 hours per week here. Or you can keep your current job and take on side projects making specialty project where you know you will paid well.Quotation:
“What message is your life sending to those around you today even if you don’t open your mouth?” ~ Dan Miller
Get the 48 Days to the Work You Love schedule (go to timestamp 15:00 for a hack on how to get the 48 Days schedule FREE without having to purchase the book)
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