Want to remove the boredom from your life?
- How about a book titled 48 Days To The Wife You Love?
- 7 Job Seeker Daily Positive Affirmations
- What questions would/do you ask other professionals in your field?
- Can I go after “the forbidden rose in the glass case that I’ve been too afraid to approach but love admiring from afar?”
“If you’re not trying something right now where you have the strong possibility of failure, your life is probably boring.” Dan Miller
Other Resources:
Free Audio Book from audiblepodcast.com/48Days
My recommendation this week: The Millionaire Mind by Thomas Stanley
Here’s one of the most popular lists we’ve had: 8″Keys”to”Starting”a”New”
I have an 11-page checklist to help you identify What’s Holding You Back From Your Dreams?
Job Seeker Daily Positive Affirmations – free ebook from https://www.marcytravis.
Escaping Shawshank – eagle awards https://www.escapingshawshank.
10 Tips for Getting Your First Coaching Client
Checklist for finding job freedom
The Strangest Secret YouTube Video of Earl Nightingale’s message
Escaping Shawshank – the event in August where we’ll look at Prison, Purpose and Plan – Meet Dan & Joanne there.
48 Days Coaching Mastery Program
The Ultimate Advantage Cruise – Feb 2017
Coaching with Excellence – September 3-4, 2015
Dan, thank you SO MUCH for featuring me in your success stories. I had to have another member of the 48 Days for Military Veterans group let me know that you had given me a shout out! Once again thanks so much for being an inspiration and virtual mentor!
You are most welcome. I love having those stories come in week after week. Inspiring and encouraging to all the listeners!