We are quick to assume an unexpected change is “bad news.” But is it really? Maybe it’s an expected opportunity to move into a higher level of success. Listen to the story – is losing your horse good news or bad news? You might be surprised.
Episode #676 August 09, 2019
Hi, this is Dan Miller – and yes you’re listening to the 48 Days Radio show – where each week we take 48 minutes to dive into real life questions about finding your passion, deciding what kind of life you want to live – and then finding or creating work that allows you to show up every day, excited to be able to do something that is meaningful, fulfilling – and profitable. This is where normal, indecision and ambiguity come to die. Welcome to the 48 Days Radio Show.
1. I have struggled for years trying to figure out what to do as my vocation. Looking for that thing that is calling out to me but still struggle to understand.
I love that he used that word because in 48 Days To the Work You Love, I distinguish between Vocation, Career and Job. At 38 years old, you should be able to look at some specific clues about yourself: • Skills and Abilities • Personality Tendencies • Your Values, Dreams and Passions But remember that you can’t have a clear sense of calling without experimenting with things and seeing that you are really “in the zone” when you do those things.2. I’m 45 yrs old and was let go this past Wednesday. So I’m bewildered but I’m also in a bad situation.
I want to gently point out the patterns you had even before this job. There is a lot of fear that you need to break through. If you don’t think you’re worth $100,000, believe me no one else is going to think that either. You need to take a fresh look at the value you bring to the table. Go out with confidence and enthusiasm.3. I think if I had my son read your book he would feel overwhelmed or not confident or skilled in any way. How do I best encourage him to launch him in life?
I hope that I am the ultimate encourager that you do have unique skills and abilities. I am approached by housewives regularly who say they haven’t worked in 25 years, but you actually have. If your son has just completed his undergraduate work, that is a major accomplishment. It positions him to go to many companies. I encourage him to go through the chapter on Job Search in 48 Days To the Work You Love.- Identify 20-30 companies where you’d like to be involved.
- Reach out to them with an introduction letter.
- Send a cover letter and resume four or five days later.
- Then follow up with a phone call or visit.
4. How Do I Narrow Down What Kind of Business To Start
Kelly is a member of our 48 Days Eagles Community.- Make a list of 20 ideas.
- Go through those ideas with what you already know about yourself and narrow down to 4 or 5 that you really could see yourself doing.
- Then do a little more research on those and narrow down to one and ACT.
5. Should I set up an LLC for my Coaching Business?
I don’t think coaches have a lot of liability exposure, but I do encourage you to go ahead and get an LLC. You can also get professional liability insurance as a coach. If people are going to be in your home, you can get a rider on your homeowner’s insurance.6. Should you offer products first or build your e-mail list first?
You need to do both at the same time. You don’t want to have a list and no product to sell. But you also can’t sell your product without a list. Look at how you can put together a little course or e-book to build residual income as well. A lead magnet is something you offer people for free in exchange for their e-mail so you can put them on your list. Here’s an example of a lead magnet: 48days.com/dream7. What are good ways to get on a podcast?
This is a great way to build your list dramatically because you can offer a lead magnet on their podcast. Here are a few tips: Don’t pay someone to put you on their podcast unless your product or service can generate enough income to warrant the cost. Make sure you’re reaching out to podcasts whose format and topic fits your message and product. Search for top podcasts in your industry. Research those podcast and make sure they are a good fit for your message and product. Then reach out to them to let explain to them why you think it’s a good fit. Don’t just blatantly sell on a podcast, but instead offer a free resource to the podcast audience.Quotation:
[click_to_tweet tweet=”When you know better, you do better” – Maya Angelou @48daysteam” quote=”When you know better, you do better” – Maya Angelou”]
Helpful resources for finding the work you love, for starting your own business, for how to do crowdfunding, technology resources we use, and there’s an entire section on Relationships and Marriage
Helpful resources for finding the work you love, for starting your own business, for how to do crowdfunding, technology resources we use, and there’s an entire section on Relationships and Marriage – GET IT HERE
Here’s an example of a lead magnet –https://www.48days.com/dream/
Here are the Top Booking Agencies for being a podcast guest
Podcast Report 7 Tips for Getting Interviewed on Podcasts Stephen Key’s – One Simple Idea: Turn Your Dreams Into a Licensing Goldmine While Letting Others Do the Work He also wrote: Sell Your Ideas With Or Without a Patent
Love the story about the old man and the horse. Our pastor used that in his sermon a couple weeks ago. 🙂