There are some that believe to give means having nothing left for yourself. The error in this thinking is that no one can make any real impact if they are giving from an empty cup. This is why one must fill their cup first, before being able to give to others. This week’s questions address the value of investing in YOURSELF — not only for you but everyone around you.
- How can I best help my neighbor?
- I only make $15 an hour. How could I give to others or spend on myself?
- Is it selfish to spend money on myself?
- Is there a formula for investing in myself?
- Good News
- More questions
Cliff Feightner poem:
Wonder what objectives you seek
As we start another work week
Just looking for cash
To put in your stash
Or more skills in being unique
[spp-tweet tweet=”“The impersonal hand of government can never replace the helping hand of a neighbor.” Hubert H. Humphrey”]
Recommended Resources:
Use this link to get these three free resources – https://www.48days.com/CES
- Serving from a full cup
- Side Biz Freedom: 10 Ideas For a Profitable Side Biz
- Building a Business With Only 15 Hours/Week
Show Notes:
Episode – 10-13-17Title: N/A
Subtitle: N/ASummary:
In this episode, Dan addresses the theme of loving your neighbor as yourself. There are some that believe to give means having nothing left for yourself. The error in this thinking is that no one can make any real impact if they are giving from an empty cup. This is why Dan believes one must fill their cup first, before being able to give to others. Tune-in to learn the incredible value of investing in YOURSELF. You’ll hear how much you should be spending to improve yourself each month and you’ll also see how Dan turned his investment of $15 dollars as a 13-year-old boy into the 48 Days success that exists today.
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Time Stamped Show Notes:
- 01:03 – Preview of Today’s Show on “Love Your Neighbor as Yourself”
- How can I best help my neighbor?
- I only make $15 an hour. How could I give to others or spend on myself?
- Is it selfish to spend money on myself?
- Is there a formula for investing in myself?
- Good News
- More Questions
- “The impersonal hand of government can never replace the helping hand of a neighbor.” – Hubert H. Humphrey
- 03:41 – A Poem from Cliff Feightner
Wonder what objectives you seek
As we start another work week
Just looking for cash
To put in your stash
Or more skills in being unique- 04:52 – Years ago, Joanne and Dan gave up on tracking donations that are tax deductible and began to give directly to the needy
- [spp-timestamp time=”05:17 “]– Use this link to get these three free resources – https://www.48days.com/CES
- Serving from a full cup
- Side Biz Freedom: 10 Ideas For a Profitable Side Biz
- Building a Business With Only 15 Hours/Week
- [spp-timestamp time=”05:33″] – The 48 Days Eagles site – Check out the inside of the 48 Days Eagles Community!
- [spp-timestamp time=”05:51″] – FreshBooks is offering a 30 day, unrestricted free trial to my listeners. To claim it, just go to https://www.freshbooks.com/48days
- [spp-timestamp time=”07:21″] – When Dan was 13, he got a hold of The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale which was a text that impacted him his whole life
- 08:14 – It sold for $15 when he was a kid, about $136.18 today
- 09:00 – He invested $15 from the money he made by selling sweet corn from their farm
- 09:22 – He sold a dozen sweet corn for 30 cents
- 09:53 – Back then, a movie ticket cost only $1
- 10:26 – A rule to guarantee your success is to invest 3% of your income on yourself
- 10:49 – Do what successful people do
- 11:31 – If you make $12/hour, you have $58/month to start the process of investing in yourself
- [spp-timestamp time=”12:11″] – With $58 you can buy a book, subscribe to Audible, or try an online course
- 12:25 – Dan recommends you start your own success library
- 12:55 – Look for opportunities to invest your $58 instead of looking for free resources
- 13:15 – Five books Dan recommends reading before 30 years old:
- 15:31 – A quote from John Maxwell, “if you say you don’t have the resources to invest in yourself, you have a scarcity problem. You don’t have an income problem, you have a thinking problem. I don’t believe enough in myself to invest in me.”
- 16:00 – Bron, one of the 48 Days certified coaches, works with John Maxwell and he asked John for help
- 16:23 – Bron said he when he does things for other people, he does it well; but, when he does things for himself, he doesn’t follow through
- 16:40 – John believes Bron won’t be of value to anyone very soon if he doesn’t learn to value himself
- 17:02 – Bron realized him not finishing the things he’s started reflects a low self-esteem
- 18:03 – People think they’re being modest and humble, but they actually may be struggling with low self-worth
- 18:20 – Dan shares about his granddaughter, Clara, who wrote a book with Joanne that they sell for $10. She’s sold over 500 copies and has had about $4K net profit
- 19:03 – “We serve best from a full cup”
- 20:06 – You can’t give and share with an empty cup
- 21:00 – Expect a return from investing in yourself
- 22:15 – What are 3 things you do now to invest in your personal growth?
- 22:50 – With an annual income of $50K, use 5% to invest in yourself
- 23:32 – In 2002, Dan saw a conference being promoted
- 24:23 – He attended so that he could learn how to sell books even though it was quite pricey
- 24:46 – Over the next 24 months, Dan sold over 60,000 copies of his book
- 25:20 – In 2005, he got his first publishing deal
- 25:41 – In 2007, he was invited to go on stage at the Megabook University and share about his experience
- [spp-timestamp time=”26:04″] – In 2007, he received a $300K advance from Random House to write his next book, No More Dreaded Mondays
- 26:42 – In the same year, Dan took a course for a teleseminar that cost him $1800
- 28:31 – Dan’s charged $69 for his first teleseminar and he made $18,000 that night
- 29:09 – Since the response was so strong, they turned the teleseminar into a physical product
- 29:51 – If you’re making around $100K/year, think about getting a coach or taking classes
- 30:58 – Dan knows his audience believes in the principle of tithing
- 31:45 – Dan believes in the tithing principle and he also believes that he needs to invest in himself
- 33:22 – Darren, Dan’s friend, talked about the difficulty in finding places to spend 5% because his income is astronomical
- 34:10 – You can’t expect your success to grow without taking action to fuel that success
- 35:05 – How would you like to treat your neighbor?
- 35:31 – Are you treating yourself the same way?
- 36:02 – It’s not selfish to put yourself first before you help and nurture others
- 37:08 – It is NOT selfish to fill your cup first before giving to others
- 37:34 – A few years ago, Dan went through a tough time and woke up to $430K in debt due to poor business decisions
- 38:04 – Dan sold everything and all he had left were the shoes on his feet
- 38:40 – Dan became a door-to-door salesman
- 39:11 – “Our minds are like gardens. If you let negative seeds grow, they multiply”
- 40:04 – Dan developed a habit of listening to positive, motivational input to change his mindset
- 41:35 – Investing in yourself doesn’t just put money in the bank, it also changes you as a person and makes you better in most areas
- 42:02 – Investing in yourself is not just about accumulating knowledge – you need knowledge, understanding, and opportunities to apply what you’ve learned
- 43:40 – Dan and his wife would use attitude adjustments rather than punishments when dealing with their then 6 year old son, Kevin
- [spp-timestamp time=”44:28″] – Kevin, who was forced to listen to Zig Ziglar when he was a kid, now hosts The Zig Ziglar Podcast
- [spp-timestamp time=”45:04 “]– Four years ago, Nightingale-Conant contacted Dan and asked if he would be willing to produce a 6-hour program with them which he agreed to do
- 45:57 – Two years later, they contacted Dan again for their 50th anniversary
- 46:39 – All this started from a $15 investment Dan made when he was 13 years old
- [spp-timestamp time=”46:49″] – Last year, Nightingale-Conant contacted Dan to let him know that his work on Dream Job was rated #3 on their list of top 30, customer-rated programs
- 47:18 – The Strangest Secret, the recording that inspired Dan when he was 13, was ranked at #4
- [spp-timestamp time=”48:35″] – Remember to go to this link to get these three free resources – https://www.48days.com/CES
- Serving from a full cup
- Side Biz Freedom: 10 Ideas For a Profitable Side Biz
- Building a Business With Only 15 Hours/Week
- 48:46 – Dan closes today’s podcast
3 Key Points:
- One rule that is proven to help you succeed is investing at least 3% of your income on yourself.
- You can’t add any real value to others if you don’t value yourself first.
- Fill your cup so that you can give freely to others.
Resources Mentioned:
- To ask Dan a question for the podcast – AskDan or email at [email protected]
- The 48 Days Eagles site – Check out the inside of the 48 Days Eagles Community!
- Free Guide – Getting Started in Voiceover
- The podcast timestamps are now clickable. Just go to any 48 Days Podcast and click on the timestamp of your interest. You will instantly be taken to that portion of the audio podcast.
- FreshBooks is offering a 30 day, unrestricted free trial to my listeners. To claim it, just go to https://www.freshbooks.com/48days
- Go to com/sleepyoulove AND use promo code – sleepyoulove – to save $50 off your purchase
- Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives
- 01:03 – Preview of Today’s Show on “Love Your Neighbor as Yourself”
First off, I am happy with my job, very happy. Dan, thanks for your counsel on staying with my job, while keeping my options open on side jobs etc. Love you and your family, you mean the world to me. 🙂
Next, as far as always looking for free stuff, I do enjoy finding good deals on things, and even like something free every once in a while. However, I certainly don’t look to the government for free stuff. Because I know that every free thing I get from the government, means someone who needs it worse than I will go without. There are good uses for the government, but it certainly isn’t solely for free stuff. Real life happens better outside the walls of the White House.
OH…MY….GOSH Dan, I DO struggle with my self worth! Maybe that is what has been holding me back. All these years I don’t think I’ve actually realized that. Oh my gosh brother.
Listened to 48 Days Podcast for years, attended CWE… that was an update and review of some of your biggest points and exactly what I needed to hear. Very powerful! Thank you.