If you are a regular reader of my blogs and newsletter, you realize I love to study the characteristics of the eagle. We have carved wooden eagles and bronze eagles around our property to remind us of the traits that make eagles great.
In both the Hebrew and Christian faiths the eagle represents the flight of the soul to heaven. It is the symbol of faith – the connection with the seen and the unseen — the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. With any growth or change, there comes the inevitable time when a step of faith is required.
In the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark – The Last Crusade, Harrison Ford comes to the impassable chasm. It was clear he had followed the path to get to this point – and yet the goal was on the other side. No one could jump across that chasm. His code book said, “Only in the leap from the lion’s head will he prove his worth.” With heart pounding and sweat beads breaking out all over his body, he closed his eyes to numb the uncertainty and still stepped out. He knew he was on the right path, but a bold “step of faith” was required in order for him to continue. And if you remember the movie, at that moment of stepping out into what he could not see, the path appeared. In every worthwhile personal or business venture, there comes the time of that required step of faith. Even when you’ve done all you can the road ahead may not be totally clear. Real success blends faith and reason.
(Check out the 2 minute clip to be reminded of the power of faith.)
Don’t get caught in indecision or uncertainty. If you need a new plan in your life, go through these steps:
- State the situation clearly
- Read, Study, and Get the advice and opinions of other people
- List the alternatives
- Choose the best one
Year ago, at a very tough time in my own life, I read Dale Carnegie’s book, “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.” The basic premise is “What’s the worst that could happen?” I had to start with that thought, take action and move forward. Selling a product I had never known before I moved into the top ranks of the national organization within 4 months. I stepped out because I had done all I could do and had no other good option.
Expect success; eliminate fear. Fear of failure paralyzes action. Confidence is learned by taking specific action. To think confidently, act confidently. Plan to win – prepare to win – expect to win.
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” II Tim. 1:7
I am empowered by the idea to “expect success.” Fear is everywhere, and it really is debilitating. Sometimes it pays to have a certain amount of naiveté, I believe. They are the ones that seem to accomplish amazing results. The people who I know that are “realistic” never seem to go very far. Thanks for sharing, Dan!
Vincent – Last week I heard a speaker say there is only a hair’s breath distance between absurdity and innovation. Yes, I agree, sometimes it pays to do things that are stupid. That may open the door to those amazing results.
Great post Dan. As I read this I was thinking about what good has happened in my life when I focus on the “what ifs”. The answer not much. Yet I and I am sure others gets stuck in that hamster wheel at times.
Thanks for a great reminder
Zechariah – I think we all get stuck at times. But if we know we’re stuck we can break the logjam purposely by jumping off that wheel of sameness.
Thanks for that reminder, Dan! This makes me think of the John Burroughs quote “leap and the net will appear.” We will NEVER know what is possible until we take that leap!
Walter – there have been multiple books written with that title. It certainly captures a legitimate thought. Thanks for your comments.
Love this Dan! Fear of failure paralyzes action. That is so true! Paralysis by analysis … that describes me! Thanks!
What great, inspiring words to live by, Dan! I think far too many of us getting “paralysis by analysis” and want to continue riding the hamster wheel of getting advice and studying options and never take action or make a decision (I have been guilty of that a time or two). Your experience inspires those of us who need to just take the leap and think, “what’s the worst that can happen”. I haven’t died from any of my failures!
This is a good reminder, I need it. I have been focusing on this the past year. I really need to keep stepping out in order for my business to succeed, but woo, that is scary. And other voices in our lives can be so powerful and discouraging. But playing it safe won’t take me where I want to go.