Some people assume their dreams are just interruptions in their normal life. Others see dreams as glimpses into the life they could live. Teneshia Jackson Warner helps you understand what kind of dreamer you are, and how that can open you up to a whole new world.
Episode #700 January 24, 2020
Hi, this is Dan Miller – and yes you’re listening to the 48 Days Radio show – where each week we take 48 minutes to dive into real life questions about finding your passion, deciding what kind of life you want to live – and then finding or creating work that allows you to show up every day, excited to be able to do something that is meaningful, fulfilling – and profitable. This is where normal, indecision and ambiguity come to die. Welcome to the 48 Days Radio Show.
Earning money is never enough – there has to be a sense of purpose.
What kind of dreamer are you?
Take the Dreamer Profile Assessment at and find out if you’re a:- Make It Happen Dreamer
- Careerpreneur Dreamer
- Hobby Dreamer
- Activist Dreamer
- CEO Dreamer
What is dream detoxing?
Having the mental state to say yes to the dream that is on your heart. Are you a “willing yes?” Once you say yes to your dreams, how can you be intentional in feeding your spirit along the way? How can you fuel yourself and motivate yourself to keep moving forward? Look at your methods of self care? Find your dream champions and bring them close to you.Who are the dream bullies in your life – they might be closer than you think.
It’s not necessarily someone who is intentionally trying to bring harm to you. Sometimes as you get out of your comfort zone, you also make the people who are closest to you uncomfortable. Dream bullies are sometimes the people who love us the most, but you may need to set boundaries around your dreams with them.Quotation:
[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.” — Napoleon Hill (author of Think and Grow Rich) @48daysteam” quote=”‘Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.” — Napoleon Hill (author of Think and Grow Rich)”]
Dreamer Profile Assessment –
Find out more about the 15-hour-per-week formula that Dan talks about in this free masterclass. Find out more about following your dreams on these podcasts: My parents don’t support my dreams I just want to give up on my stupid dreams Should you follow your dreams and risk failing or protect yourself by not trying?