Discerning God’s Will For Your Life
I really don’t think God is mean and capricious as you suspect. Just take responsibility for your success and know that the door is as open as to anyone in the world. But you have to create a plan of action. Handing your life over to God does not mean walking away from your desires and passions – rather, it means finding authentic ways to make those passions come alive.
Episode #772 April 09, 2021
Hi this is Dan Miller – and yes you’re listening to the 48 Days Radio show – where each week we take 48 minutes to dive into real-life questions about finding your passion, deciding what kind of life you want to live – and then finding or creating work that allows you to show up every day, excited to be able to do something that is meaningful, fulfilling – and profitable. This is where normal, indecision and ambiguity come to die. Welcome to the 48 Days Radio Show.
God has given me a passion that is completely mismatched with the opportunities in my life.
Find out more about the 48 Days Eagles Community, where you can find all of the 100+ Monday Mentor Trainings, including the ones with Carrie Olsen and Rich Allen at https://www.48dayseagles.com Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur?When I read this in 48 Days I stopped dead in my tracks.
Find out more about changing your mindset about selling in this podcast.Now that I have my own business, how do I find great employees?
Am I too old to begin the process of creating my own business?
Absolutely not! Here are some resources to help you get started, no matter how old you are.How can I grow my comedy blog following and deliver more value to them?
Give your customers a way to interact with each other by offering some type of community — free or paid.Quotation:
[click_to_tweet tweet=”“Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, ‘Make me feel important.’ Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life.” – Mary Kay Ash @48daysteam” quote=”“Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, ‘Make me feel important.’ Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life.” – Mary Kay Ash”]
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