1. How can I make a Wow impression with my resume?
2. How does a person wishing to increase their levels of success deal with social anxiety?
3. Can I leave this problem behind, or am I going to be sailing into the wind the rest of my life?
4. Can I really double my income in the education field?
Quotation – “It is the nature of man to rise to greatness if greatness is expected of him.” John Steinbeck
Other Notes:
48Days.com/Countdown – for $48 package including 2 teleseminars
48 Days Monographs – I need your help on these topics
48 Days Coaching Mastery Program
The Ultimate Advantage Cruise – Feb 2015
Thank you. I checked out the resumes and really like them.
I am not a graphic designer, but this gives me ideas to add to my resume as many of my jobs I “just took.”
Reminder to include that video about the gentleman being thirty.
Thank you again.
Here is the YouTube video you mentioned from Darryl.
I heard your summary of it on the way home from church and just had to come home and listen to the whole message. It was a great boost for me as I am in the beginning of my 30s. Thanks for sharing this!
I just joined Dollar Photo Club that you mentioned in the podcast. WOW! That is a fantastic resource for anyone that blogs, designs websites, or has any need for royalty free stock photos. I was so impressed that I immediately signed up for the affiliate program. You can go directly to their website to sign up or use my ambassador link here: http://mbsy.co/8zDhw (Please know how much I appreciate it.)
You will see a fantastic use of the “Law of Scarcity” in that you can “apply” to be a member to pay monthly -or- pay $99 for the year as a VIP (well worth it). I really gave this service a run through and I like what I see… a lot!