I keep hearing from people who hang their head in shame at the idea of “selling” what they have. They would prefer to just give it away – and they think that “giving” holds a higher honor than “selling”. They don’t want to admit they are “selling” and try to sneak it in as a necessary evil to an otherwise honorable business. Really? In Proverbs, Solomon said if you have something good to offer people you have a moral obligation to sell it to as many people as possible. Stop crippling people by giving to them.
Episode #812 January 07, 2022
Hi this is Dan Miller – and yes you’re listening to the 48 Days Radio show – where each week we take 48 minutes to dive into real life questions about finding your passion, deciding what kind of life you want to live – and then finding or creating work that allows you to show up every day, excited to be able to do something that is meaningful, fulfilling – and profitable. This is where normal, indecision and ambiguity come to die. Welcome to the 48 Days Radio Show.
Selling Is the lifeblood of any organization
You can’t have a business unless somebody is selling something. You can’t have a job unless somebody is selling something. You can’t get people to show up for your Sunday School Class unless you’re selling the idea. You can’t be a teacher without selling people on the concepts that you want them to learn and absorb. It’s mind-blowing to think you can have anything that is productive in any way if somebody is not selling something. If you believe in yourself and what you are selling — that the work you are doing will ultimately benefit people — then you can be proud of what you’re selling. I’ve never felt bad about selling because I truly believe I’m helping that person, not taking from him or her. I tell people that I expect them to get a 10X return on any investment they make in 48 Days. Find out more about the 1-Day Voila Coaching Process here.Questions:
When you were first getting started, how did you decide that career and life coaching was your niche?
I was not an author, speaker or coach when I was asked to teach a Sunday School Class. The Pastor of that church knew I had experience in Clinical Psychology and helped coach people in their careers. I had no expectation that what I was doing there would have anything to do with me generating income. I essentially just kept giving people what they were asking for. When they asked for materials, we created a three-ring binder for them. We couldn’t keep giving those three-ring binders away, so we began selling them.How do you get someone to join your mission?
Remember that you are selling your mission. You need to go through the same process as if you’re selling cars, houses or jewelry. First, develop rapport and trust. Lead them gently in to become regular consumers of your content. The books you’ve written aren’t going to be the big source of your income. They are going to introduce people to you and your message.How can we get people who have the means to help with spreading our message to people who need it but can’t afford it?
I have a dream of opening a breakfast cafe with a limited menu that could serve as a location for people to gather for Bible studies.
I recommend you look at the creating side income with 15 hours per week. Get that formula here. In terms of the breakfast cafe, go ahead and start to scope out places you could have that. What would it look like? That’s actually exactly what I wanted to do with the 48 Days Eagles Community.Hi Dan, I’m seriously considering real estate investments in 2022. I know they are many ways to invest in RE but I want to choose the option that allows me to invest my time going on mission trips.
Find out more about Chris Niemeyer here.Quotation:
[click_to_tweet tweet=”“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25 @48daysteam” quote=”“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25″]
But we’re going to look at the very next verse which is a startling switch on how you can be generous………
The 12 books we’ll be studying through in the Eagles community: 48days.com/eagleeye
Here’s the summary from STOP HELPING US!A Call to Compassionately Move Beyond Charity PETER GREER,PRESIDENT & CEO, HOPE INTERNATIONAL
1. Give once and you elicit appreciation;
2. Give twice and you create anticipation;
3. Give three times and you create expectation;
4. Give four times and it becomes entitlement;
5. Give five times and you establish dependency.
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