Questions this week:
- Is there an audience for my cat blog?
- If a 6-yr-old can do it, you can too.
- How can I stay positive with negative family members all around me?
- I’m a 28-year-old single mom, with one child. Are there ways of becoming successful even after filing bankruptcy?Plus Good News and more questions.
Cliff Feightner poem:
You have to come up with a plan
If you don’t want to just work for the man
To upwardly move
Your life should improve
Start with you and include your whole clan
“All I do is eat and sleep. Eat and sleep. Eat and sleep. There must be more to a cat’s life than that. But I hope not.” Garfield Tweet This
Show Notes:
Episode – 09-15-17
Title: N/A
Subtitle: N/A
In this episode, Dan expresses the importance of saving your decision-making power for those decisions that truly deserve that energy—in other words, the life-changing, pivotal kinds of decisions. As Dan shares good news around the world and responds to listeners’ questions, we are reminded that every path we take in life and every opportunity that comes our way requires a decision. For instance, we can always choose to lend a kind hand to a fellow human being and we can choose to have boundaries with those negative family members that get us down. Dan encourages listeners’ to take a chance on the decisions that will truly be good for you and for your community at large.
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Time Stamped Show Notes:
- 01:06 – Preview of Today’s Show on “This is your last chance to make a good decision”
- Is there an audience for my cat blog?
- If a 6-yr-old can do it, you can too.
- How can I stay positive with negative family members all around me?
- I’m a 28 year old single mom, with one child. Are there ways of becoming successful even after filing bankruptcy?
- Good News
- More Questions
- “All I do is eat and sleep. Eat and sleep. Eat and sleep. There must be more to a cat’s life than that. But I hope not.” Garfield
- 03:20 – A poem from Cliff Feightner
You have to come up with a plan
If you don’t want to just work for the man
To upwardly move
Your life should improve
Start with you and include your whole clan
- [spp-timestamp time=”04:30″] – Check out the inside of the 48 Days Eagles Community!
- [spp-timestamp time=”05:28″] – FreshBooks is offering a 30 day, unrestricted free trial to my listeners. To claim it, just go to https://www.freshbooks.com/48days
- 07:03 – Last Saturday, Florida Governor, Rick Scott, told his people, “This is your last chance to make a good decision”
- 07:30 – Dr. Phil McGraw says, “We can trace who we become in this life to 7 critical choices and 5 pivotal people”
- 07:51 – Dan shares that his decision to leave their farm for college was one huge thing that changed his life
- 08:20 – Over time, his dad validated the decisions he made
- 09:07 – People sometimes get overwhelmed with decisions, they get decision fatigue
- 10:30 – “Save your decision-making power”
- [spp-timestamp time=”10:54″] – Good news! Karl Winsness, a plumber, started the Willy the Plumber Scholarship
- 11:49 – He started it because he knew children with parents that are incarcerated need it
- [spp-timestamp time=”12:07 “]– All 5 former living presidents teamed up to provide relief for the victims of Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma
- [spp-timestamp time=”12:42″] – Pam Brekke traveled 30 miles to buy one generator in Florida but she was told that the final unit was sold to the person standing in front of her
- 13:11 – She broke down in tears because her dad relies on an oxygen pump
- 13:47 – A total stranger, Ramon Santiago, walked to her and asked her why she was crying
- 13:57 – He gave her his generator
- 14:22 – Ramon could not speak English but he understood why she needed it
- [spp-timestamp time=”14:55″] – 36 lucky veterans got a new house from Tim McGraw
- 15:35 – A blind woman in Henrico, Virginia had been worried for years that she would get hit by a car while getting her mail
- 15:52 – Wesley Benton, owner of Benton Home Improvement in Richmond, saw the story on a tv station, and installed a new mailbox for her
- [spp-timestamp time=”16:46″] – To ask Dan a question for the podcast – AskDan or email [email protected]
- 16:59 – Heidi says, Is there an audience for my cat blog?
- 18:40 – Cat blogs as a Google search yields over 42M results
- 20:02 – Charles Schulz drew 17,897 Peanuts Comic Strips
- 20:19 – Garfield just tells a story of a ridiculous cat character and his owner
- 21:10 – The key is writing content for your blog
- 22:18 – If you’re not that passionate about it, forget it
- 22:46 – A note from one listener says that her mother met Dan at a Dave Ramsey conference
- 22:59 – The mother asked Dan what to do with her 18-year old son who wanted nothing but to play the guitar
- 23:05 – Dan said, “Let him play the guitar”
- 23:14 – Today, the young man starts his classes at the Belmont University for Entertainment Studies
- 24:05 – Dan got a note from Mac in Nigeria
- [spp-timestamp time=”24:34″] – Mac is seeking permission for extracts of Dan’s book, 48 Days to the Work You Love and promises he will note that these products are Dan’s intellectual property
- [spp-timestamp time=”25:06″] – John Tesh, host of Intelligence for Your Life, shares an introduction
- 25:23 – Robert, a listener, referred to an episode back in June where a gentleman named Adam talked about his jeep parts design business
- 26:00 – Robert has a design that he’s done as well and he wants to connect with Adam
- [spp-timestamp time=”27:30″] – The new 48 Days Eagles membership site – see this growing community for finding Work You Love
- 28:02 – Dan has gotten approval to have an Amazon Merchant account
- 28:54 – Dan will make this a 48 Day Eagles Amazon Merch account
- 29:04 – The profits will go in a nesting account for scholarships or helping somebody in need
- 29:40 – “The thing that moves you forward is having a supportive community around you”
- 30:06 – If a 6-yr-old can do it, you can too: A cute story: 6-year old applies for a Lego job
- 31:15 – He sent a handwritten letter to apply for the job
- 31:33 – Legoland offered him to work at the Theme Park for a day
- 32:17 – Dan shares another particular story where a young guy presented how their company used technology to create extraordinary revenue
- 33:04 – They had 80 people in the room and the man invited them to come see how they use the technology in office
- 33:20 – Dan scheduled to have the man come the next day
- 34:13 – What Dan and his team learned from this young man was transformative
- 35:07 – Nikka asks, How can I stay positive with negative family members all around me?
- 36:40 – Your concern is merited
- 37:13 – You don’t want to end up like them
- 38:24 – Control what you allow to come into your mind
- [spp-timestamp time=”38:28″] – Read the Necessary Endings
- 38:45 – Look for ways to get back up quickly and move out on your own
- 39:39 – Be careful to not expose yourself to negative people – create boundaries
- 39:56 – Ray says, I’m a 28 year old single mom, with one child. Are there ways of becoming successful even after filing bankruptcy?
- 40:41 – Filing bankruptcy is a mark on your credit, especially in the accounting field
- 41:26 – Move on from that even if you want to pursue accounting
- 41:54 – Individual clients are unlikely to do their background checks
- 42:12 – Your history could have negative effects on you starting an accounting company
- 42:28 – If starting a company in another field or industry, your bankruptcy would not be an issue
- 43:10 – Bankruptcy doesn’t create much of an obstacle for you unless you want to do traditional work with traditional employers
- 44:31 – Unemployment is so low, there are 6 million job openings companies are trying to get filled
- [spp-timestamp time=”46:35″] – The new 48 Days Eagles membership site – see this growing community for finding Work You Love
- 48:13 – You can be successful in ANY role
- 48:32 – Dan closes today’s podcast
3 Key Points:
- You do NOT need to be famous or rich to help people; you just need to be present to the needs around you and respond.
- Save your power and energy for making important decisions.
- Learn to take chances on the opportunities that come your way.
Resources Mentioned:
- To ask Dan a question for the podcast – AskDan or email [email protected]
- The new 48 Days Eagles membership site – see this growing community for finding Work You Love
- Free Guide – Getting Started in Voiceover
- FreshBooks is offering a 30 day, unrestricted free trial to my listeners. To claim it, just go to https://www.freshbooks.com/48days
- Go to com/sleepyoulove AND use promo code – sleepyoulove – to save $50 off your purchase of the mattress Dan & Joanne love
- Tribe Conference with Jeff Goins – Sept 15-17
- CES Conference with Jim Cockrum – for all online biz Sept 21-23 (I’ll be there!)
- Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives
Our lives are all going fast
Many events have already passed
If you have a vision
Please make a decision
Don’t wait for a favorable forecast