Episode #946 November 17, 2023
Success is something you attract by the way you think and the person you become. You don’t have to change the company, the economy, the government, your boss or your spouse – you get to change YOU and you’ll see your whole world change.
Remember, our minds are like gardens. They give us a bigger return of whatever we planted. If you think about negative things you will see those enlarge in your life. If you expect and think about positive things, you will see more and more of those in your reality. In setting goals you are indeed creating your own future.
I like to expect good things coming my way. I expect the people I meet to be eager to help me. I expect to find that parking spot just where I need it. I expect to feel great when I wake up in the morning. And yeah – I expect to make it to the gas station even if the fuel gauge is flashing empty.
We’ve got some great questions today – from listeners like you who are looking for ways to be fully engaged in life at 55, 65 and more.
Maybe you just lost your job and can’t fathom going back to work for another company. Or you’re just bored to death as Monette shares. Or you’re afraid your dreams are buried – and it’s too late to think about having a life you love.
So, grab your cup of tea – or maybe your Mt. Dew – and get ready for a power-packed episode filled with practical advice, inspiring stories, and valuable resources to help maximize your opportunities!
What is an inverse paranoid?
A lot of my friends have been prescribed Prozac to calm their unusual and rapid flow of ideas. But, personally, I’ve decided just to claim this title of inverse paranoid.
Inverse Paranoid is a real term. It’s been around and it’s been talked about by Brian Tracy and others.
A paranoid thinks everyone is out to get him. An inverse paranoid is the other way around. Success is something you attract by the way you think and the person you become.
So you can have more than you have now by becoming more than you are now.
We tend to get what we expect.
I tend to believe that everyone is out to bring me happiness, to help me bring my to help me reach my goals.
As a result of my inverse paranoia, I believe the world is plotting to do me good.
Tips on Becoming an Inverse Paranoid
- When obstacles appear, don’t assume everyone hates you. Rather, see them as opportunities to grow and then succeed in new ways. Without those challenges, you’re never going to change and improve.
- Remember a time in your life when a disaster opened the door to something good.
- When you get up in the morning, reach for the opportunity clock. Zig Ziglar used to talk about that. Don’t see it as an alarm clock. That sounds like something bad is gonna happen. No, see it as an opportunity clock that goes off that’s going to start your day in a very positive way.
- When the weather forecaster says there is a 30% chance of rain, think of it as a 70% chance of sunshine.
I’m bored to death. Should I retire now at 62?
The real question is, how could you find something that you really love doing rather than something where you were bored to death? And if you did, I know exactly what would happen. Your attraction to retirement would diminish dramatically.
And to be 62 and thinking about retiring, When we look at the life expectancy at this point, you’re likely to be around a long time. Do you really want to anticipate another 30 years where you’re really just retired, just surviving on the the pension that you get or whatever.
You have a whole lot of things that that would indicate you really need to hang in there even if it’s not perfect until you’re 65. That’s a very, very short time frame when we look at the scope of life. And you don’t want to mess things up really dramatically by just escaping a job that you already have. Now it’s not ideal, Granted. But if you have a retirement coming, I take that 2 years, and I get excited about anticipating the next season of your life.
I was laid off a few weeks ago, which was fine because I hated the job. I can’t fathom interviewing for another position or company at 54.
What a great time to go revisit your dreams and passions again, and go into the most productive, most joyful, and most profitable o20 years of your life. A lot of times, we get stuck just doing what’s realistic. It’s a whole lot easier to make money when you’re really excited about something than it is when you’re just doing what’s responsible.
I think you can go back to find those dreams. You can build new dreams. Ask yourself:
• What would you like your life to look like 3 years from now?
• Imagine the perfect day. Where would you be living? How would you start your day? What would you have for breakfast? How would you spend your time that morning?
Ask yourself those questions. Have fun with that. Tap into those dreams and build some new dreams.
I’m not spiritually or mentally ready to retire, but I don’t want to go back to the corporate world.
Think about some things that you’d like to do. What’s next?
You say you don’t want to go back to the corporate world. Fantastic. We we’ve got a resource. It’s 48 Low or No Cost Business Ideas.
I love this and the the responses that we get from people. There’s so many things in there. Now and it’s it’s in our it’s you have to go to our shopping cart, I guess, on our site, 48 days. I’ll put the link directly to this, but it’s 48 lower no cost business ideas that you can just get digitally.
I “retired” from a job I had grown to despise on my 55th birthday, but now I feel like I may not be doing enough to support my family and reach our goals.
Who wants to live by just barely being sustained? Whether you’re 25, 35, 55, or 85, I don’t want to do that.
And then you say “I still feel like I may not be doing enough to support my family and reach our goals.” If you’re feeling that, Then take action on that. At age 55, how long do you expect to be around?
The push to retire early simply means those people Have not yet found the work they love.
The key to your dreams, to feeling like you are contributing to your family goals, to relieving boredom, to that sense that you’re not finished yet, to that desire to not work for a company ever again. The key to all those is to find the work you love.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”Viktor Frankl
Key Takeaways From This Episode:
1️⃣ Positive Attitude & Inverse Paranoia: There is power in maintaining a positive mindset and expecting good things to come your way. Inverse paranoia can attract success into your life.
2️⃣ Dream Pursuit at Any Age: Check out some inspiring stories of individuals who found their passion and pursued their dreams at various stages of life. Revisit their dreams, tap into their passion, and build new dreams for the future.
3️⃣ Long-Term Planning for Success: It is important to set longer time frames and bigger goals. Hear about successful individuals, including a billionaire and older celebrities who are still active and making a difference in the world. It is also important to plan for your future and set goals that align with your passions and dreams.
Check out our coaching options – ways you can work one-on-one with me or one of our other certified coaches.
I work with a lot of people. I love helping people have the light bulb come and see new opportunities that are right around them. I work with a lot of physicians, attorneys, dentists, pastors, engineers, accountants, people who feel trapped by virtue of what they have done academically. You’re not trapped, and it’s never too late to have a new beginning.
If we could have an hour just to sit down together, I am 100% confident we’d come up with a plan that you’d walk out of the room three- feet off the ground because you’re so excited about what you can do. I believe that about everybody. I don’t think anybody is trapped. Let me know what you what you need, we’ll have a conversation and get you going. Find out more here.
48 Low or No Cost Business Ideas Digital Download
Our 2024 event – Build a Life You Love – 48days.com/experience
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