Harold Ramis is the actor and director probably best known for his role as Egon in the movie Ghostbusters. He once laid out his rule for success: “Find the most talented person in the room, and if it’s not you, go stand next to him. Hang out with him. Try to be helpful.”
Brian Tracy said one of the hallmark traits of high achievers is that they spend time with people who are already performing at the level at which they want to perform. Tony Robbins has created an impressive career based on the simple idea of finding someone whose success you admire, and modeling their behavior. Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
Doesn’t sound that complicated, does it?
- Decide what success would look like for you
- Find someone already living that life
- Spend time with them
But here’s a caveat. A lot of people want to be the smartest person in the room. They like feeling superior to all the little people – and thus they stifle any growth opportunities. My advice – if you ever find that you’re the smartest person in the room, you need to find another room.
Want to hang out with some smart people? Join us for The Ultimate Advantage Cruise – February 2017
In 2017, make your vacation a beautiful combination of relaxation and connection with other great minds to increase your successful impact – in your community and around the world.
Yes, people see you as successful – but how do you manage your resources to bless your own family and those around you? How can you pour into the lives of others without making them dependent on you? As your finances increase how can you share in ways that equip those you care about for their own success?
You need a break to think and sort out your thoughts. You also need time to talk with experts, kindred spirits and others who can help brainstorm your ideas and carry on the spirit of Living Well and Doing Good.
What if you could fill your own cup AND have an abundance to inspire others?
Join us for The Ultimate Advantage Cruise – Living Well Doing Good
In order to be strong, it takes vulnerability. It takes vulnerability at times to place ourselves in positions where we are NOT the smartest person in the room. While it can be uncomfortable for some, it is a key to personal growth. THANK YOU for sharing!!!
Jen – you are so right. We have to intentionally choose to put ourselves around people who will challenge us.
So true, Jen!
P.S. You may not know this but you were one of those people for me. Thank you.
I love this post! I couldn’t agree more.
Within the last three years I have intentionally focused on individuals I would want to learn from and found a way to do just that. I agree with what Jen said regarding vulnerability. It’s tough to admit you don’t know what to do next! In some respects it’s like starting over. Yet, it is the very key that unlocks the door to our next opportunity. My hope is that one day I can be that for someone!
Julie – from a Biblical perspective we all need a Paul, a Barnabas, and a Timothy in our lives. Paul will challenge us and instruct us, Barnabas will walk alongside and encourage us, and Timothy welcomes our instruction and teaching. I try to make sure I have clear examples of all 3 in my life. I suspect you already have those as well.
That’s excellent, Dan. I had not thought of it that way. Yes. I can identify those individuals in my life:)