I have been privileged to work with a variety of “experts” over the last few years – helping them leverage their knowledge into real businesses.
There’s a three part formula any of us can use to clearly state what we do – here’s mine.
I help high potential individuals
Understand their unique and most powerful talents and passions
So they can make a larger impact, leave a legacy and thrive financially.
You can use that formula to state your own position and work.
But here’s a common theme: Authors want to write books, speakers want to speak and coaches want to coach. However, if you select one and only one, you will likely be frustrated with the results. I have met countless doctors, pastors, coaches and authors who are frustrated because while extremely knowledgeable in their expertise, they can’t put food on the table, take a vacation or set aside funds for old age.
If you are a great author but know nothing about speaking, coaching, doing seminars, consulting and selling your own product, then you will have a limited message and will bypass millions of dollars that are available to you. If you are an awesome coach but you’ve never captured your particular expertise in teleseminars, workshops, ebooks, and instructional manuals, you will wear yourself out trying to get just one more client this week. If you speak with passion and move your audiences to action, but have never taken the time to learn online marketing, you will be destined to a life in airports and hotels and miss the daily life with your family. If you are the world’s best pediatrician but increase your income only by herding 30 more babies into your office this week, you will die of exhaustion and miss the lives of your own children.
Only by creating multiple streams of income will you be able to have a stress-free, balanced and profitable business.
Here’s the model I use to maximize my one area of knowledge – helping find or create meaningful and profitable work. It may be challenging to generate significant income by allowing people only one method of experiencing your message. But if you give them opportunity to choose from several options, they will benefit and you will thrive.
In our January 16-17th Coaching with Excellence event we’ll cover 48 ways to fill your funnel and put you in the top 3% of coaching income. We’ll help you shape your message and create a financial model that separates you from the 97%. You can be the next to experience what John did:
I can’t express how much of an impact that those two days has had on my life. I never thought about giving a testimonial because I’m new to coaching as a business. However, I can already see a change in how I see and think about things. My new mindset is seeing the world differently and it is affecting how I am making choices. The best part of this live event is that you attend for “business” reasons, but the lessons learned will improve your “job”, your relationships, and how you live your life. If you are trying to decide if you need to sign up, I can tell you without hesitation that they answer is “yes, you do!” – John
January 16-17th Coaching with Excellence
How are you leveraging your message?
Great points here. I can’t make it to this event, but it will be something that I do in the near future. Thanks for sharing your wisdom Dan.
Pei and I have a new center of gravity for our coaching business and can’t wait to share it with the team at this year’s CWE event.
Frankly Dan, I can’t remember how many of your live events I’ve been to over the years. Every one I go to seems to build upon what I’ve already learned and mastered.
Great model Dan and one that has been highly successful!
Excellent post, as usual, Dan. I’ll see you at CWE next week!
Yes, Dan, great Insight!
Although I agree in theory, I do have one big beef. I don’t understand why people make money one way, and then tell others to make money another way. Dan Miller made over a million with one book, not through speaking and the rest. I have the same issue with Dave Ramsey, he made a fortune as an entrepreneur, but pushes budgeting and the like. Neither made their initial breakthrough through the methods they teach.
Yes, many will need the whole shebang …agreed. But for some people, it is just the one lucky hit that makes the difference.
I made money through coaching and speaking before I sold the first book. Those things opened the door for my books. As I lay out here, the key to big money is AND – not either/or.
What is with the new format. I read your news letter on my mobile. I open the full articles through the links. Now I get the same thing that is in the news letter with the read more link. If I use this link again, it gives the same thing. Believe it or not I would actually like to read the fast of the article.
It’s kind of like how we need to engage different customers at different places because not all our customers are at one specific place or read the exact same magazine. Also, we all learn differently, why not earn differently, too!
That’s exactly right. It could one of 10 different methods that reaches the customer we want.