Someone alerted me to this recently and I just had to pass it along.
Would you like some of those great lines to kiss up to your boss?
- Here….let me carry those boxes.
- Why that’s the most sensible thing I’ve heard all day.
- You make it look so much easier than it really is.
- I don’t see what everyone’s complaining about….I think you’ve been more than fair.
- I agree with you 100 percent.
- You give me hope to carry on.
- I’d be happy to take work home with me.
- You know, I think you’re right!
- I thrive on deadlines – Just let me know what you need.
- That’s why everyone looks up to you.
- Here, let me buy lunch this time.
- I’d be happy to stay late so you can go home early.
Now on the Internet we have Virtual Yes Man. Yes, I sat here and clicked on this silly link for 5 minutes and never ran out of new sayings to help you secure your place in the company.
Check it out yourself. And then let me know how that’s working for you.
It seems like these days being a yes man gets you no where in the workplace. Only thing it gives you is a sense of hope that the boss is watching how great you are, but in reality she/he are just enjoying the perks
Yep – an interesting quandary to know if you are assuring your place and promotion or just being used.
Ha! That’s as sad as it is funny…
I was on that site for a good minute. I kept asking the Virtual Yes Man to help me with stuff. He agreed and said all the right things when I clicked. But nothing got done. Hmm….
Nick – funny how easy it is to confuse activity with accomplishment.
Hahahaha. I pitched him all my ideas. He said I was brilliant. #notamegalomaniac