1. Is poverty required for a life of service?
2. I am having trouble finding my passion and doing work that means something for me.
3. What keeps you and others like you working hard after achieving financial success?
4. What are your thoughts about jumping into real estate part time?
5. I’ve hated my job since I took it two years ago.
Quotation – “Man improves himself as he follows his path; if he stands still, waiting to improve before he makes a decision, he’ll never move.” — Paulo Coelho
Other Notes:
Harrys.com – use 48Days as the code to get $5.00 off your purchase
48 Days Monographs – I need your help on these topics
48 Days Coaching Mastery Program
The Ultimate Advantage Cruise – Feb 2015
Tuesday night Brainstorming Sessions in the 48Days.net community.
Dan: This was a great episode and I really enjoyed it! The Robert Serico article “The Entrepreneurial Vocation” is timely as a group I’m in, consisting of Christian Entrepreneurial Women, has been discussing this topic for some time.
I look forward to reading the full essay and the book “Thou Shall Prosper”
Thanks for all you do!
Another great episode! Thanks for the mention plus I’m happy to hear the card arrived. I cannot express what attending Coaching with Excellence did for me. Thank you Dan, Joanne, Ashley and everyone else! I know it’s up to me to take action but you truly gave me a lot of tools and inspiration to do so. And for you that are reading this and have thought of going to Coaching with Excellence stop thinking and sign up. It’s the best money you will spend in a long time. The value you get is way beyond the money you pay. Besides, the food is fantastic!
I listen to a lot of podcasts. Yours is the only one I listen to every single episode! Our brains must work similarly.
In this episode, you had a question from a guy with a history degree who wasn’t sure what to do with it. He stated that he loved digging into documents and background information. I would like to forward this idea to him.
What if he approached a large company or organization that doesn’t have its history written down but is interested in obtaining one. They provide him access to their documents pertaining to their history, he writes and compiles the history into a book at no cost to the company. However, once the history is ready and approved, he is able to sell them copies of the book that he created (and that he retains rights to). Maybe he sells the book in 100 unit increments at $10-$25 per book. The company would give these to employees/customers/donors etc.
James Divine
James – that’s a great idea. I’ll pass it along. Thanks for your comments and input.