I’ve drifted away from my “Why”
When I started 48 Days I was teaching a Sunday School class on finding your purpose and calling. My Why was that I knew then as now that over 80% of Americans say they do not have their dream job. …
When I started 48 Days I was teaching a Sunday School class on finding your purpose and calling. My Why was that I knew then as now that over 80% of Americans say they do not have their dream job. …
Recently I spoke to a group of church leaders who are going through a tough transition time in the life of their church. Change is a challenging issue for many of us – in our work, our technology, our cars, our…
“I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.” — Frederick Douglass Okay – I’ve referenced this quotation over the years and it continues to prompt a whole lot of questions from you, our readers.…
“Dan! I’m feeling like I’m in a dead-end situation, but I’m not going to move until God tells me to do so!” I received this note recently from a reader – and it represents thousands of similar notes I’ve received…
Is it true that most people know their “calling?” Peter Drucker spent most of the last 10 years of his life working with non-profits, much of that with mega church leaders. In the book Drucker & Me, here’s what he…
Okay, here’s a sticky theological question from a reader: Dan, I love to share my faith with others and I seem to have many natural talents, skills and abilities suited for being a minister. However, I believe that no matter…
Remember when God spoke to Moses at the burning bush? God told Moses he wanted him to go back to Egypt and lead the people out to the promised land. Moses looked around and said – “You’ve got to be…
Last week the founder of Leads Magazine (www.leadsmagazine.co edit: 072417, link no longer valid) asked me: What is ONE big inspiration or tactic you can share with entrepreneurs and small businesses about being more successful? My One big inspiration tactic…
Here’s a question from a reader – an accountant. (We’ll call her Angela) “I’m at a job that I hate mainly because I feel like every day I’m set up to fail. There’s no job satisfaction. I go to work…
After spending a night with a client in Chattanooga recently Joanne and I continued driving south to Florida. We tend to wander when we travel and found ourselves on the southwest side of Atlanta in a section away from the…