- I am in my mid 30’s and I feel like I am stuck in my J.O.B.
- I’m a single parent and need to find creative ways to increase my income.
- Would sharing about my own past struggles undermine my credibility as a coach?
- I’m in my late 30’s and have been diagnosed with a chronic condition that makes it difficult to walk or even stand sometimes.
- Can my husband make a living with his motorsport photography?
“To every man there comes in his lifetime that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to him and fitted to his talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the work which would be his finest hour.” Winston Churchill
Great podcast Dan! I totally agree with you regarding hiring a coach. I’ve taking out loans for group coaching because that seems to be cheaper than one on one coaching. I’ve made some progress but not money. I took out another loan to pay for one on one coaching because I believe in the power of coaching. I still haven’t earned any income but I’ve learned a lot. So, to add on about hiring a coach I would recommend hire a coach that has been successful doing what you would like to do. If you hire a coach that loves to write and your not a writing or don’t like to blog. That’s not going to help you because you will find yourself frustrated doing something you don’t want to do or like.
Hi, thanks for the great resources in this podcast. I just had trouble finding the Harmony Institutes guy, Eric I think, and Michelle Hammond, the Creativity Coach. Can we get their links to their sites? Enjoyed reading Do It Afraid by Angela Chatham and Living a Life of Abundance by Charlotte Jackson
Adam, the website is http://harmonyinsights.com/
Thank you Michelle!
And here’s Michelle’s site – http://creativityplaybook.com/
Thank you Dan!
Alice who does the presentations but has physical limitations could also do the whole thing in a power chair so she can move around and show people that people with disabling conditions can still get the job done. It can inspire and educate. She also could do presentations via Skype if the school is open to it. This is something to consider in addition to (not instead of) what Dan suggested, especially if she really loves what she does.