Just keep dancing
- I feel like I’ve missed the boat when answering the question ‘why am I here?’
- Are people born entrepreneurs or can I learn to be one? – 18 Characteristics of Entrepreneurs
- I have been a nurse practitioner for 11 years and have found it draining emotionally and mentally, depleting any creativity I may have.
- Should I pay $2095 for my 1st choice domain name?
- How did you meet Dave Ramsey?
“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” Friedrich Nietzsche
Show Notes:
Episode – 08-12-16
Title: N/A
Subtitle: N/A
In this episode, Dan answers questions from several people who are trying to start up new businesses and pursue new ideas. Dan will give feedback on what it takes to be an entrepreneur and how you can find your entrepreneurial calling in life. Listen to this podcast to receive inspiration and direction for your next business endeavor.
Sponsored By:
Casper Mattresses – Use the code SleepYouLove to get $50 off any purchase and free shipping
Harrys.com – use 48Days as the code to get $5.00 off your purchase of Dan’s favorite razor
Time Stamped Show Notes:
- 00:38 – Preview of Today’s Show on Real Challenges and Success Stories
- I feel like I’ve missed the boat when answering the question ‘why am I here?’
- Are people born entrepreneurs or can I learn to be one? – 18 Characteristics of Entrepreneurs
- As a 33-year-old family man, it may be too late for me or simply out of reach.
- I have been a nurse practitioner for 11 years and have found it draining emotionally and mentally, depleting any creativity I may have.
- Should I pay $2095 for my 1st choice domain name?
- How did you meet Dave Ramsey?
- “And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” Friedrich Nietzsche
- 03:00 – Using quotations in your own materials
- 03:25 – You have a certain level of credibility
- 03:45 – The challenge of finding who said a certain quote first.
- 05:00 – Quotations are repeated again and again by different people.
- 06:27 – Casper Mattresses special offer
- 08:25 – Success stories in the 48 Days community
- 08:40 – A blog: “How to Make $77000 Extra Doing What You Love”
- 09:10 – How do you share an idea without having companies steal it?
- 09:45 – Having an idea isn’t enough.
- 10:00 – You need to get past the idea of that idea getting stolen and get started with it.
- 10:25 – Go out and do it, and have trust.
- 11:50 – Share your ideas freely.
- 11:00 – Public domain publishing course and success stories
- 12:00 – How to Be a Grownup — Podcast made by a teacher and for kids
- 13:20 — Coaching with Excellence – August 25-26th, 2016
- 15: 00 – com/client
- 15:30 — The Ultimate Advantage Cruise – leaving from Ft. Lauderdale, FL Feb 12-19th, 2017
- 15:50 – The audience’s responses for Alex’s question from last week about transitioning to a new career.
- 16:50 – I feel left behind when I hear some of your success stories. I feel like I have missed the boat, and some days I feel like I can’t push on.
- 17:50 – It’s never too late to have a new beginning.
- 18:10 – Gaining personal understanding is a process.
- 18:25 – Surround yourself with people who are winning, not whining.
- 19:20 – The timing has to be right in our lives
- 19:40 – Three books: Essentialism, Deep Work, and Big Magic
- 20:05 – Setting aside time to focus and eliminate distractions.
- 21:20 – Allow yourself to focus on your life’s course now.
- 21:50 – What are the signs and symptoms of bad employees vs. people who have become entrepreneurs?
- 22:50 – Not everyone should end up being an entrepreneur.
- 23:05 – There are so many options to make money in this world.
- 23:40 – Anyone can become an entrepreneur even after working in the traditional sense.
- 24:45 – A lot of successful people have been fired.
- 28:10 – How people become millionaires
- 28:25 – 48 Days to the Work You Love book
- 29:00 – 18 Characteristics of entrepreneurs
- 30:30 – Selling yourself on your ideas
- 32:10 – Emotional energy and support from your family
- 34:00 – You can build the characteristics to become an entrepreneur
- 34:35 – My son writes stories, and I’d love to get them published. What advice or resources do you have to help with that?
- 35:25 – There are so many things that kids can do to start their own business adventures.
- 36:10 – Marketing is the key to being successful as a writer.
- 37:20 – Do a really good job writing your book, and then spend the other 90% of your time marketing it.
- 38:00 – Reach out to book stores, and listen to Morgan James Radio.
- 39:45 – I’m looking to transition so that I can have a flexible job at home and be there for our future children. What can I do to use my nursing skills and create another source of income?
- 41:40 – Now it’s time for a new season in your life.
- 42:05 – Look at who you are and what your unique skills and traits are.
- 42:45 – Go through a lot of ideas, and read Money-Making Mom
- 43:35 – The domain I want to buy has a high price tag. Is it wise to pick a different domain name or spend the money?
- 44:20 – Don’t put hard earned money behind buying an expensive domain.
- 44:45 – Just get started with your business.
- 45:10 – How did you meet Dave Ramsey?
- 45:25 – They both crashed and burned in their businesses, and they met at church.
- 45:50 – They had their unique skills, and they helped each other map out new business ideas.
- 46:30 – The were part of a course that was developed at their church.
- 47:00 – Let the River Run tells the story of their entrepreneur experience at that church.
- 48:40 – Dan closes his podcast
3 Key Points:
- Set aside time to focus and find your purpose in life.
- Marketing is the key to becoming a successful author.
- Many successful people have experienced being fired.
Resources Mentioned:
- Money-Making Mom – A book full of ideas to help moms make money
- Morgan James Radio – A great resource for people who want to write a book
- “How to Make $77000 Extra Doing What You Love” – a helpful blog for aspiring entrepreneurs
- How to Be a Grownup – a podcast made by a teacher to help kids receive insights from role models
- Essentialism, Deep Work, and Big Magic – Three books to inspire you to find your purpose in life
- Let the River Run – Learn about Dan and Dave’s story at their church
- FreshBooks– Claim your free month by entering 48 Days in the “How did you hear about us?” section
- Go to com/sleepyouloveAND use promo code – sleepyoulove – to save $50 off your purchase of the most amazing mattress you’ve ever slept on
- 18 Characteristics of Entrepreneurs – characteristics from the book 48 Days to the Work You Love
- Money-Making Mom: How Every Woman Can Earn More and Make a Difference– Crystal Paine
- Dan’s course on starting your own Mastermind – https://www.udemy.com/how-to-create-your-mastermind-group/– now only $12 on Udemy
- https://www.48days.com/experience– Dan’s premiere coaching process
- Coaching with Excellence – August 25-26th, 2016
- The Ultimate Advantage Cruise – leaving from Ft. Lauderdale, FL Feb 12-19th, 2017
- 48days.com/you – Free Personality Style Overview
- 48Days.com/Mondays – Dan’s 5-step process for dealing with change
- Harrys.com/48Days – for $5.00 off your first purchase of the world’s best shaving blades
- https://www.48days.com/video – If you’re just getting started on the 48 Days process
- The Ultimate Advantage Cruise – February 2017
- 48 Days Coaching Mastery Program – for those wanting to build a high level business in coaching
- Personal Mission Statement – free form to create your own
- Raising Creative and Entrepreneurial Kids
- Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives
“It’s never to late for a new beginning!” and “Hang around winners, not whiners.” are two life changing quotes if put into action! Thanks Dan, you are one of THE wisest friends I’ve ever had. Keep up the great work/mission.