How To Make a Decision
This is not an either/or situation – this is a both/and opportunity. I can’t think of any example where the decision would be best with only using one or the other.
Episode #886 April 21, 2023
Hi, this is Dan Miller – and yes you’re listening to the 48 Days Radio show – where each week we take 48 minutes to dive into real life questions about finding your passion, deciding what kind of life you want to live – and then finding or creating work that allows you to show up every day, excited to be able to do something that is meaningful, fulfilling – and profitable. This is where normal, indecision and ambiguity come to die. Welcome to the 48 Days Radio Show.
Thank you for being a listener of this podcast. I love hearing from you and being allowed to think through the questions we all have about finding or creating work that matters, for people who care.
Should you use your head or your heart when making a decision?
Whether you’re making a decision about your next career move or a decision about whether or not to get married or where where to live, I don’t think it’s an either/or decision on whether or not you use your head or heart. I can’t think of any situation that where it would be a good idea to use one or the other. You should use both for all decisions. I have a new book one of our 48 Days Eagles, Edwin Soler, wrote called Closing the 18-Inch Gap. He’s referring to the 18 inches between your brain and your heart. I think any decision you make should involve both your head and your heart.I’ve been in the service business industry for about 10 years now but I’ve always had trouble with selling.
I love selling. I believe it is the greatest equalizer. It is the easiest way to increase your income dramatically and very quickly because there is no ceiling. But you also don’t have any guarantees. I would choose to have no ceiling over having a guarantee any day of the week.Here are some resources that will help you in sales:
Secrets of Closing the Sale by Zig Ziglar The Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracey The Heart of the Wolf by Ben Lawrence Selling is not manipulating people at all. It is simply sharing enthusiasm and providing an invitation to something you believe in.I’ve been offered my dream job that is a 2-hour drive from my house. What should I do?
There is no job that’s worth a two to three-hour drive one way to get there. If you want this job, you’ll need to look for a way to move closer to the job. If you want to stay where you are, then find a job within 15 minutes of where you live. Don’t apply for jobs that are two or three hours away from where you live.I have worked factory jobs all my life and now at 70 years old have retired. I’m looking to do something with my time and need some direction.
What a great opportunity to look at who you are and what kind of work will blend your skills and abilities with your values, dreams and passions and your ability to make a significant income. In 48 Days To the Work and Life You Love, I talk about how 85% of the process of having the confidence of moving forward in your career or business is looking inward first. Go to Chapter 5, Success Is More Than a Job. It will help you know how to frame this and create a clear model that is a fit for you.I might be going to jail for a year or two. Is there anything positive that I might gain from this?
I got the term “desirable difficulties” from Malcolm Gladwell’s book David and Goliath. I love the thought that many things may not be insurmountable obstacles or could they in fact be desirable difficulties. Go into it with your eyes wide open, expecting to learn from it.I have an opportunity to purchase a business. What do I do?
I would recommend Greg Gray, our Dean of Business in the 48 Days Eagles Community to help you with this decision. As an Eagles Member, you have ready access to him and can reach out to him directly. There are many others in the Eagles Community that can help you as well, so I recommend you reach out to the community as a whole in our Eagles Mighty Network to get input from the members.Quotation:
[click_to_tweet tweet=”“I know you want to do what I do, but do you want to do what I did?” John Maxwell @48daysteam” quote=”“I know you want to do what I do, but do you want to do what I did?” John Maxwell”]
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