Does This Scare You?
[powerpress] Is God beating me up or trying to get me to move? How can I break out of our capitalistic system and still survive? Should I just build my business or get a job as a safety net? Should…
[powerpress] Is God beating me up or trying to get me to move? How can I break out of our capitalistic system and still survive? Should I just build my business or get a job as a safety net? Should…
[powerpress] 1. Your Diploma has expired 2. Here are Ten Steps to Education 3. 100% College Admission – How Sad 4. Job Security – No Problem 5. Unpredictability makes it impossible to be “educated”
[powerpress] 1. After eight years at this company, this is the final straw 2. How can one start doing something that he loves realizing that it must not require his presence in order to be successful? 3. After 7 months…
[powerpress] 1. Thank goodness I just lost my 6-figure job – but now I’m afraid. 2. How can I make money and still be in ministry? 3. How can I separate myself from the competition in carpet cleaning? 4. Can…
[powerpress] 1. How I got 22 new coaching clients at one event. 2. Dan, a criminal record does not automatically disqualify an applicant from employment consideration. 3. I found a reason to work even if I don’t need the money.…
[powerpress] 1. Why should I work if I don’t need the money? 2. How do we recognize “seasons” in our lives? 3. How can I monetize 42,000 hits a month on my website? 4. My husband has been looking for…
[powerpress] 1. Success stories – people are rockin 2. Should I take a job that would triple my income or keep my freedom? 3. Is it better to get off the track or wait to get hit by the train?…
[powerpress] 1. Why can’t my Dad see the advantages of being self-employed? 2. What should my main takeaways be in going to conferences? 3. Can I combine art and ministry and make a living? 4. Dan, can I work for…
[powerpress] 1. I am at the starting line revving my engine and she is about to blow unless I put it in gear and go. 2. I feel called to start a business that requires a ton of startup capital.…
[powerpress] 1. I have passions and ambitions but no time to pursue them. 2. How can I sell my unique backyard playhouses? 3. I was moved to tears this morning because of my overwhelming fear 4. A long term goal…