Hey 48 Days Team (and Dan)!
My name is Bjork Ostrom. My wife and I have taken to heart the messages of 48 Days and No More Mondays by creating an income around our passion. I read your books a few years ago and they planted the “idea seed” that would eventually grow into the belief that we could monetize my wife’s food blog, “Pinch of Yum.” We now net between $6,000 and $8,000 a month from the blog. We also launched a membership site to help others learn how to do the same. The membership site is just over 6 months old and is earning around $2,000 a month.
The concepts that you teach allowed us to “think different” about how life and work happen. Thanks, Dan, for helping to inspire us to pursue passion, purpose, creative income and giving back.
– Bjork and Lindsay
We all struggle to move forward with our passions and either don’t know how to do it, or we get ‘mired in the mundane’ of daily living. I am now rethinking everything I do to make my life even more meaningful. There’s nothing that can’t be done if we choose to do it. Innov48 sends that message loud and clear.
– Pam
Thank you! “No More Dreaded Mondays” is causing me to have chest pains, by the way. There should be a health warning on the front cover!
Realizing that you’ve lived a life of fear and not living from your heart is unbearable but refreshing at the same time. Thank you for listening to your heart so that others may find theirs.
I know I say it over and over, and will say it again. Thank you so much for what 48 Days has done for me. In the Coaching Mastery Program, I am moving from the thought process of being “I am just trying to do something to survive,” to “Oh My!!!! This is going to be amazing!” I have always had an “I love life” attitude and these days it’s even bigger.
I want you to know that your book and message have changed my life. I read “48 Days to the Work You Love” last April while finishing my Master’s degree.
Your book helped me identify my transferable skills, market myself, identify companies to work for, and hone my interviewing skills. Since then, I have been offered professional jobs with 6 different companies!
I feel like I am on top of the world. Your book and message have made a lasting impact on me and my family. Thank you for helping us. I am recommending your book to everyone I tell about my new job. God’s Blessings on you and your work.
Next to the Bible, “48 Days To The Work You Love” is the MOST life changing book I have devoured – and I DO mean DEVOURED…I could NOT put it down.
When I am reading “48 Days to the Work You Love” I feel like I am drinking high octane fuel for my mind and spirit.
– David
Your work has come through for me in so many ways. One of your podcasts can answer fifty of my life questions.
Every time I listen to your advice I am a changed person for the better, I have more confidence and hope. When I am confused or discouraged I come to you first. Nobody else can lift me up like you do.
I treasure every word you speak, whether it is the “48 Days to the Work You Love” book, podcast, blog, or newsletter. The more the better. I also love the fact that your ideas are new and not duplicate, meaning one size fits all.
In review, I don’t know what I would do without this resource. Some people go to church for hope and I go to you. Thanks again for all of your inspiration, help, and guidance.
Aside from the great advice that Dan provides, I want to say that I’m impressed with his high level of involvement in the 48 Days Community.
He’s not just a “guy behind a microphone.” Dan has read both letters I’ve submitted to the podcast and responded to my only post – this has really personalized my experience with the community. When reading posts of others, I frequently see Dan adding his two cents to the mix.
It’s great to see that the “teacher” is so hands-on with the “students.” I can tell that Dan is a genuine cheerleader for our success.
Your podcast is an answer to prayer. I get the life lessons, the encouragement to keep going, new ideas and things to try, and principles to apply it to my life.
I took the 48 Days DISC Personality Profile and am now digesting the results. There were some surprises there but I also quickly learned why I haven’t been as fulfilled as I would like in my current job. Now the fun begins – bringing about a change in my life.
I love, love, love everything you guys do–it is such an inspiration and light at the end of the tunnel for so many of us–thank you!
I have been through extensive coaching skills training and wanted to learn more about the “business” of coaching.
At Coaching with Excellence, I took away exceptional marketing tools and ideas to grow a profitable coaching practice, as well as a wealth of resources for further study.
The participants were from a wide variety of backgrounds and offered great support to each other. The atmosphere is informal and friendly, but the presentations were done by Dan and Ashley with professionalism and attention to detail.
I felt nourished in body, mind and soul at the end of our whirlwind two days!
I’ve read both books and love them! The podcast format of answering listener questions is very effective because it allows the core message to be translated to a variety of situations, making it easier to understand and implement. Oh, and I love Dan’s reading list online – very helpful!
THANK YOU! Your work has helped me move forward with creating my future instead of having someone else do it for me.
Thank You Again!!!
Thanks for the encouragement you provide within your books, newsletter, podcasts, etc. It is easy to lose sight of what is important if one is focused only on paying the bills instead of enjoying the process to personal success.
Thanks Dan – I can honestly say I am now enjoying the process.
Thank you, Dan, for all the work you do, inspiring and elevating those of us who have never been taught how to question our work lives.
I am now seeking a fulfilling life with work as just one of many elements which comprise a life of brilliant excellence. As I transition closer to the work I love, the mountains no longer appear tall – just speed bumps.
I love all the materials I get to utilize from 48 Days. My favorite is the podcast because I like to listen when I am going to bed, I also download it straight from the Internet. I have listened to it on airplanes, high school basketball games, while driving at work, etc.
I take Dan everywhere with me. I wouldn’t trade my time listening to this for anything! Thanks.
I started listening to Dan’s podcasts first then I looked for his books, website, etc., and have been telling everyone I know about him since.
I get a lot out of his down to earth, realistic business sense. It’s been great. Definitely keep the podcasts coming.
I have been meaning to write to you and tell you what a huge impact it has had.
We have been implementing the changes and our new-found thought system and have managed to cut our expenses, change our business to include no employees (only independent contractors) and increase our income. And that is not even the best part!
The best part is that we have so much more time for our marriage, our family and time to give back to the community. We are alive!
We listen regularly and read the books that you recommend back to back
The James Michener quote hangs in our office and home!
–Stacy and Jesse Westfall
What did I get from Coaching with Excellence?
Ideas for repackaging my services, repurposing material, and developing new income streams.
I was really impressed with the level of openness Dan had in sharing how he did the things that have succeeded for him. That kind of information is usually guarded.
I’ll get a good return on investment by getting access to this information and Dan’s mindset that looks for opportunities to provide value and produce revenue.
The best takeaway I got from Coaching with Excellence was the motivation that I can do what Dan did.
By explaining how he got to the place in life he enjoys now, Dan made it seem completely realistic and possible for the rest of us.
About six weeks ago, you referred me to a coach for coaching. We completed our third coaching session today, and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you.
He is a phenomenally talented coach. He’s forcing me to really dig deep and think about myself and my life in ways I never could have achieved on my own. He’s also extraordinarily patient, even when he hears “I don’t know,” for the one hundredth time. The man is truly a gem.
Thank you for sending me to precisely the person I needed to help me figure out how to move forward. I can’t tell you how excited I am to make the next stage of my life unfold the way I want it to.
Best regards,
Kathleen I wanted to write you a short note regarding my Life Coaching experience. I just completed 6 meetings of coaching and I am so very grateful for how he has helped me.
I felt my coach was able to listen to my needs, and was very discerning. He did not pass any judgement or push any agenda on me. He helped me to establish goals and kept me accountable to meeting those goals.
He also taught me a lot about myself and, through our conversations, I have a clearer picture of my purpose and calling in life.
I am very appreciative of him and his ministry to me and I would recommend him to anyone that needed guidance.
Thank you for connecting us!
I praise God for all that you do and so freely share. The wealth of knowledge, openness and integrity of you and your team has a “SPIRITED” flow that makes anyone who comes across this site feel comforted because of your sincerity to help others with a true sincerity of ”STEWARDSHIP”!
Authentic work involves much more than just getting a paycheck. In “No More Dreaded Mondays,” Dan captures the soul of work; how each of us can take our unique God-given talents and blend those into meaningful, purposeful and profitable work.
–Dave Ramsey, Host The Dave Ramsey Show
I definitely agree with Dan’s teachings on finding a job and have benefited from them.
In fact, I took Dan’s advice on resume writing (especially the part on a skills based resume, instead of past positions), delivery (including sending a paper copy when I was told it all had to be electronic), and interviewing.
Using those methods, I was hired in a very competitive job market in a smaller town, and into my first full time position out of college.
Thanks to Dan for the input and for writing such a helpful and easy to read book, “48 Days to the Work You Love”!
You have forever made a fan out of me and I truly believe in your teachings and the message that you spread out everyday. You are not only leading people down the correct path to find work they love, but also building confidence, wisdom and a feeling of belonging.
“48 Days to the Work You Love” has literally changed my life. I am now self-employed/full-time and do money coaching and insurance/consultation and sales.
For the first time in my career, I LOVE MY JOB!
I have taken the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator several times, among other personality and interest profiles, yet by far the simple 48 Days DISC profile is the most accurate depiction of my actual “self” that I have ever seen.
I can see and feel what it is telling me. I will enjoy reviewing the other materials Dan provides with it.
I want to thank Steve and Jeff [48 Days Workshop Facilitators] for introducing me to the ideas presented in the class. It is amazing how much can change so quickly.
You have helped open my eyes to dream big and produce the results I desire. It felt like a huge burden was lifted off of me and I am beginning to set and meet my goals.
By the way, if I knew what this class would do for me when I started I would have gladly paid double. If you have been feeling like you are stuck and are getting nowhere fast you need to go to a 48 Days Workshop.
I really appreciate the time and effort you put into this.
I tried the 48 Days Workshops upon the recommendation of Dave Ramsey.
It was the best thing I ever did. Unlike many, I was a successful CEO, but hated it.
As a result of this program I set a goal for myself. Within one year I wanted to move to a different state to be closer to our daughter, and wanted to go back into the world of finance and accounting – the work I truly love.
I would never have recognized how miserable I was or what my true calling is without this program. Believe it or not, it only took about 6 months to fulfill the goals.
We live in the same town with our daughter, and I have a terrific job as a CFO instead of a CEO.
I took a 15% pay cut and haven’t been this happy in years! This is truly the work I love!
After losing my job as a corporate lawyer, I took up Dan’s materials as part of a dedicated effort at personal development.
I’ve learned more about myself in a few months using Dan’s materials than I did over the course of three educational degrees, and 10 years of work experience!
I look forward to joining the 48 Days Community and to absorbing more of Dan’s practical and inspirational guidance.
In my old job I was on 2 different medications and a restricted diet due to digestion problems. It was all stress related.
Within a month of taking my new job [found by going through the 48 Days Workshop], I was happy, off the meds, and eating all the spicy food that had been off limits for the previous 2 years!
A lot of people wonder if this is just a way for Dan to make money. I hope he DOES make money.
This program changed my life and I am so thankful for his work in this area!
The 48 Days Workshops have helped me “to get more confidence in myself, find my inner self and talents, discover my life direction and share with others and depend on faith in God.
I am thankful for Chuck [48 Days Workshop Facilitator] and the inspiration and knowledge he has shared with me to discover who I am and my purpose in this life.
The 48 Days Workshop has re-awakened dreams for me. Now I better understand my personality style and know that I can shape my on opportunities based on what’s important to me.
I’ve gone through the 48 Days Workshop twice. Each time it means more.
I’ve learned again, to seek my passion, to trust God to “Step Out” in faith, to experience the genuine care and concern of my facilitator, to interact with others who are in the same place that I am.
In short, I’m encouraged and have had my faith renewed. Jesus is present in this class and what a blessing that is!
I have had several business ideas and a desire to have my own business. But I wasn’t equipped to make it happen.
The 48 Days Workshop has helped me with the drive and motivation I need and the tools to make my dreams come true.
While I am confident that I am full of great ideas, the 48 Days Workshop inspired me to take action. It made me realize how special God made me and made me understand that I am obligated to share his gifts.
The 48 Days to the Work You Love Workshop is life-changing! It gave me a new way to look for a job to fit my life, not my life to fit my job!
I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to be in a job they love!
The 48 Days Workshop has inspired me to step out of the box and look for new opportunities. For a long time I have felt frustrated at what I was doing. The class has given me a new outlook and the tools to start searching for a more fulfilling job.
The 48 Days Workshop has been an awesome series. God has shown me my strengths and weaknesses as a person which led into potential career pursuits.
In these “48 Days” I have found a new business I’m excited about. Also, I have had the opportunity of encouraging others and making new friends. Even if you have a job, go to a 48 Days Workshop. They are wonderful!
The 48 Days Workshop has provided incredible insight into what I’m passionate about doing. It has allowed me to examine who I am and plan my next step.
It has been very liberating to set goals and allow myself to dream. I recommend this class to everyone. Even if you like what you do, this course will help you do it better and find greater fulfillment in all areas of your life.
Everyone should get the opportunity to look at their life in a different light. I’m 26 and have always focused on the money of a job and not the happiness it brings.
Knowing how young I am, it saddens me to think many adults have spent over half their lives working at a job they hate, when truly all it takes is a new perspective to get going in the right direction.
The world would be a better place if we all loved our jobs. The 48 Days Workshops help you realize this is very much within reach; all you have to do is start believing it.
The 48 Days Workshop has provoked me to discover what God has designed me to do and have the confidence to pursue it.
During these six weeks I discovered my passion in life and am looking at how to incorporate it in my work. Another benefit was opening communication between my wife and I on not only work but also our future work plans and how our family fit into it.
We talked about the possible directions the Lord may be leading us concerning business and family goals. I encourage you to request a 48 Days Workshop at your church!
I listened to the “Who Are You and Why Are You Here?” audio Dan did this year. I got in on the tail end of it because there was a $17 cost that I did not want to pay. I remember thinking to myself, “Why can’t this be free so I can participate?”
I went on like this after getting the first email… and then I received the second email the day of the event and it posed the same question, as if Dan Miller had heard me (God was dealing with my heart): “Why the $17? Because people value something that they invest into.”
How many times had I preached the same things to others and agreed with this statement myself? Here was my chance to practice what I claimed to believe (and preach). It didn’t take any arm twisting at this point because the email convicted me and I immediately registered.
This was the best decision and investment that I could have made and I am thankful to God and Dan Miller for sharing his message, heart and life with a stranger like me. God bless… and guys, don’t hesitate when this opportunity arises again. It is worth so much more than the $17 investment!
I must say, “Who Are You and Why Are You Here?,” cut to the core of my soul. I was feeling so hopeless and lost in thoughts of despair thinking that I was all alone. I felt trapped in my career, yearning to break free and create something meaningful to bless others and prosper therein.
This was the best decision and investment that I could have made and I am thankful to God and Dan Miller for sharing his message, heart and life with a stranger like me.
Before last Saturday I felt like a stalled car in the middle of a very big and busy intersection with people honking their horns and yelling at me, ”Come on get out of the way!” But even worse I didn’t know what to do or which way to turn!
Thanks be to God and all the team at 48 Days, I now have a sense of direction!
Getting my personality report has been life changing to me already. I’ve NEVER had anything “read me like a book” like that before. I will earnestly try with God’s help and strength to not let those walls come up in the future.
Thank you for sharing your insight and answering questions. Oftentimes others’ questions and your answers give some guidance. The community, podcasts, blogs, etc., offer great information!
The “Wanna Be …” books are positive messages with warm and friendly “page turning” pictures.
One of the biggest stresses facing young adults relates to their careers. When I was looking for someone to offer biblically-based career advice for today’s young adults, I immediately turned to Dan Miller.
Dan’s expertise is deeply rooted in his faith and in the experience he has gained through his own career challenges. Though Dan’s resources are inspirational, they go much further than that; they provide proven methods which, when applied to your life, will change the way you think about your career and the challenges you face.
Dan is so sure that you’ll benefit from his approaches that he even guarantees them – what more could you want?
Dan Miller is a gentleman, devoted family man, committed Christian, and gifted communicator. I consider it a privilege to recommend him and his resources to anyone who believes change is inevitable.
–Terry Hadaway, Phd, Editor in Chief, Life Answers, Leadership and Adult Publishing, LifeWay Christian Resources
For 28 years I sold cars at the same Dealership until GM shut us down. My wife and I decided to take Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. Dave endorsed “48 Days to the Work You Love.”
An easy read, packed with useful information. I digested each chapter. Chapter 7 clearly states that 79% of all the good positions come from personal recommendation, therefore networking is key.
A friend runs the “Life Keys Ministry” in my church (a vocational ministry). As he is a sales and marketing professional I asked that he meet to brainstorm ideas. Then God began his work.
At the end of our meeting, he completely surprised me by saying his company had a sales opening. One thing led to another and that day I submitted my resume. I researched the new company, met with one of their affiliates and wrote a progress report on that experience.
I submitted it during one of the interviews. Networking also led me to speak to a professional who coached me on the interview process.
Three interviews and 6 weeks later I have a new job that I am excited about. My story shows how one excellent book really can change a life.
I have begun working through “48 Days To The Work You Love.” The chains of comparing myself to others perceived achievements has held me back from a new direction.
Thank you for validating that I can stop that crippling process and be free to understand my calling. Also that my calling is as unique to me as their callings are to them. Thank you again for such freeing encouragement.
I deeply appreciate Dan’s emphasis on looking inside to really discover my life. The mechanics of this process he has laid out are moving me along on my journey of discovering my CALLING.
The feeling of being trapped by life is receding. Stepping out and trying things that may be uncomfortable, but that take me toward my calling, is much more doable today. I am not washed up. Life is not over.
The BEST of my life is ahead of me as I yield to and cooperate with my calling.
Dan’s materials have provided the “glue” to my library of “what to be when I grow up” books. I’ve owned my own business in the past, but after spending 5.5 years back in the corporate environment, I decided that it was way past time to exit.
A friend there asked if I were going to go “find out who I was.” I stopped her and said that I knew who I was but now I’m not afraid of her (me) anymore. I’m burning my own eternal flame.
Greg and I want to thank you and the 48 Days team for the amazing two days of Coaching with Excellence! The teaching was phenomenal, the networking was tremendous and the food was great!!!
We came away with so much more than we expected. I have so many ideas that I want to implement for this new chapter of our lives, and I’m working now on prioritizing my list! I believe I will be starting with the 48 Days workshop and add the DISC classes very soon!
I took the 48 Days DISC Certification Program and was blown away by what all I learned.
Even though I’ve grown up studying behavior, this course was an engaging and informative way to get up to speed with current statistics and details regarding the DISC profile.
It’s not simply facts and figures, either – you look at case studies, different styles in different environments, and a fun look at famous faces who have each style!
I highly recommend this to anyone who wants more clarification on not only DISC Personality reports, but also behavior analysis in general. With the added bonus of free 48 Days Personality Reports, this is a must for continuing education!
I walked away from Coaching with Excellence with the confidence in myself to follow the calling I believe God has placed within me.
Although we received a lot of information and material, it was presented in such a way that I have been able to apply some of it to my life already!
The tools and practical wisdom shared with us by Dan and the whole 48 Days team are invaluable resources that will benefit myself, my family, and my business for years to come!
48 Days will be the third company I have certified with in the past 22 years. You all are the only company that has done more than take my money and hand me a certificate.
The Coaching with Excellence event was PHENOMENAL!
I left with a lot of good information, but not so overwhelmed because you gave me a plan. Start with 4-5 things that I can do and move from there.
My biggest takeaway from Coaching with Excellence was the physical evidence of what Dan and his family are doing to create the life they want, using their natural gifts and talents.
You are all amazing, and I came away realizing that now it is settled on the inside, all that is necessary is the implementation and going after it outwardly with a determined, unwavering commitment.
When you see the dream live and in person, it certainly makes the possibilities very real.
My best takeaway from Coaching with Excellence was all the on-ramps that Dan shared to starting my business and generating income very quickly.
He did this in an effective manner where he took what most made a complicated subject and made it simple and easy to understand. He is great at instilling confidence in us that we can go home and make this happen.
The 48 Days DISC Certification Program was even more in depth than I had hoped it would be. The depth of what they have to offer really allows for someone to work with that profile as a full time business. I loved it!!
I became fascinated with the DISC profile system a couple of years ago when I took it for the first time as part of my own career coaching. Since then I did some self study and started coaching clients using DISC. I also taught DISC in a woman’s conference.
I thought I knew so much already. I decided to get the 48 Days DISC Certification just to add more credentials for my business. I WAS BLOWN AWAY!
Long story short, I learned a very SIMPLE way to interpret the graphs. I feel so much more CONFIDENT about using this tool for individual coaching AND BUSINESS COACHING!
I learned how to help businesses manage hiring, internal conflict, and team building using the DISC system.
I plan to use it for my own staff management and extend it to help other dental offices create a more harmonious work environment.
Besides, I spent less than 10 hours studying it at the comfort of my own home, at my own pace, paused and picked up any time!
–Dr. Pei Kang
In preparation for expanding my coaching business, I wanted to take an online course to learn more about the DiSC Behavioral Profile.
I found the 48 Days DISC Certification course to be easy to use and navigate, organized, and effective at providing key concepts to help me understand each of the four profiles fully.
The written content supplied with the course was outstanding. It offers a thorough and in-depth review of strengths and weaknesses of each style, effective ways to communicate with opposite styles, insights for improving overall communication, and much more.
I have recommended this course to friends and colleagues interested in learning more about the DISC Profile and found the video content and interactive quizzes extremely helpful and effective learning tools.
I would like to say “thank you.”
In one of your first podcasts, you mentioned your faith. My first thought was “Oh, great,” and I nearly shut off the podcast. But you then spoke about your sensitivity to non-believing people, which I really appreciated. I’ve since learned that you don’t hide your faith, but you don’t push it on others, and I deeply respect this fact about you. I also respect the courage you have shown in calling out other Christians for excusing their personal failings as part of God’s “plan.”
Too often, Christians who openly profess their faith are the worst ambassadors for Christ. (It’s a big reason why I left the church.) But you are a shining counter-example. I’m glad I continued listening, and am now a huge fan and regular listener. Please continue the excellent work.
Mr. Miller,
Over a year ago I started reading your book, “No More Dreaded Mondays.” It was a game changer in my career and life! I was a school principal at the time receiving many accolades and beloved by my students, staff, and the community.
I enjoyed being a principal; however, I LOVED motivating others through speaking.
After reading your book, I decided to go after my dreams and leave my 120K income in the midst of the great recession.
When I did this I was willing to lose everything, short of my wife and kids, to be at the place that I felt God was calling me to be in life.
One year later, I am proud to say that my business is doing well and I am traveling the nation inspiring hope and inspiration in others. Thanks for your great work in this book.
–Tommy Watso
I just finished my DISC certification through 48 Days this past week and will tell you that this is an absolute must for your coaching.
The depth of the material that was offered was remarkable, and yet not overwhelming. I took about 12 hours to complete, and this was going over some sections more than once. There were concepts shared during the training that I had never heard, and I have already been using them with many ooh’s and ahh’s over the past few days. There are also reference worksheets in the materials that are worth the cost of the program alone.
Dan is also making it possible for us to customize these reports for our business so that the client sees our stuff when they get the report. I will be selling my profiles online, and will also offer a 1 hour phone consult to go over the report for $149. I will basically make $129 to do it and also increase my expertise. This is a major bonus for me getting started!
I loved Coaching 101 with Dan Miller. He’s teaching style hits all modalities, including my “I” personality style.
I was able to go at my own pace and to be able to go back and re-listen when I had missed something or just needed to hear it again. I was engaged through the entire process, not an easy task to meet for me.
The combination of audio and written allowed me not only to hear but also to retain the information.
Although I have had my coaching business part time for a while and have been self employed for 17 years, I feel much more prepared to enter the world of full time coaching, thanks to this training.
I’d just like to take this opportunity to thank you and your entire family for making Coaching with Excellence such a valuable experience for me.
In addition to the priceless information and material I was exposed to, your program gave me the opportunity to connect with a group of outstanding and like-minded individuals.
I can’t express how much of an impact that Coaching with Excellence has had on my life. I never thought about giving a testimonial because I’m new to coaching as a business.
However, I can already see a change in how I see and think about things. My new mindset is seeing the world differently and it is affecting how I am making choices. The best part of this live event is that you attend for “business” reasons, but the lessons learned will improve your “job,” your relationships, and how you live your life.
If you are trying to decide if you need to sign up, I can tell you without hesitation that the answer is “yes, you do!”
At Coaching with Excellence, we saw a systematic approach to a successful coaching career that is bound to succeed if the steps are followed.
This was not “pie in the sky.” We left with tools to teach the novice “coach” to go from 0 clients to the “sky’s the limit.”
Coaching with Excellence exceeded my expectations! We came away with so many new tools for establishing our business!
It was fun, exciting , moved at a good pace, and kept my attention. Could feel the passion (and of course, the wisdom!)
Thanks 48 Days team!