The changes created by this current “crisis” have awakened a whole lot of people to new possibilities beyond a traditional job. Many are now wondering if they really could do something that embraces their real passions. In this episode, we explore what it takes to step out of the traditional work model.
Episode #725 May 08, 2020
Hi this is Dan Miller – and yes you’re listening to the 48 Days Radio show – where each week we take 48 minutes to dive into real-life questions about finding your passion, deciding what kind of life you want to live – and then finding or creating work that allows you to show up every day, excited to be able to do something that is meaningful, fulfilling – and profitable. This is where normal, indecision and ambiguity come to die. Welcome to the 48 Days Radio Show.
I am a senior. I have not received my stimulus check. Please help???
A lot of people are fearful and they’re just waiting for someone to step in. Let’s wake up the parts of our minds that haven’t been used and look for ideas of things that we can do to create more money than a stimulus check. Find out more about the 48 Days Eagles Community, where we’ll be kicking off another round of Eagles Nests in June, including Dan’s new “Will It Fly” Nest working with Eagles who are working toward their first $1,000/month; $5,000/month and $10,000/month.48% of people surveyed said they would take a pay cut in order to continue to work from home. Key benefits of a less traditional job: • Flexible schedule • Save money • Access to their own kitchen • You can wear whatever you want • You can complete other tasks while working However, there are some things like creativity that does not seem as high when people aren’t meeting in small groups.
Honoring Entrepreneurial Moms In Our Eagles Community
• Kristin King started a blog because she loves to write. She also teaches voice and piano to teenagers. • Sharon Page has developed a Mini-Course on connecting with your audience. • Jenni Hunt has a new book out called Sweet Spot Revenue These moms have figured out how to be primary caregivers for their children and create an income. They don’t have to make a choice between taking care of their children, creating an income, and following passions. You can find these Entrepreneurial Moms and many others in the 48 Days Eagles Community.I want to act and speak but it’s a constant hustle and I really want to make a decent living because I’m 53 and tired of living paycheck to paycheck.
You need to switch your mindset from thinking like an employee but wanting to live the rewards of a creative life. As an employee with a traditional job, there’s more structure, guarantees, set hours, benefits. In a creative opportunity, there’s less structure, fewer guarantees, and fewer benefits but there’s open-ended income. You get to make your own decisions. You have time freedom. You can create a job for yourself or you can build a business. But you have to decide if you have what it takes to be in the driver’s seat and hustle to get things done. If not, that’s okay.Do You Have What It Takes To Be An Entrepreneur? Questions To Ask Yourself
1. Are you a self-starter? 2. Do you get along with different kinds of people? 3. Do you have a positive outlook? 4. Are you able to make decisions? 5. Are you able to accept responsibility? 6. Do you enjoy competition? 7. Do you have willpower and self-discipline? 8. Do you plan ahead? 9. Can you take advice from others? 10. Are you adaptable to changing conditions? 11. Can you stick with it? 12. Do you have a high level of confidence and belief in what you are doing? 13. Do you enjoy what you are going to do? 14. Can you sell yourself and your ideas? 15. Are you prepared to work long hours? 16. Do you have the physical and emotional energy to run a business? 17. Do you have the support of your family and/or spouse?18. Are you willing to risk your own money in this venture? Get the full list of questions to ask yourself to determine if you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur.
I don’t want a traditional job. I want to produce my musical!
You need to think differently and have a long-term perspective. Change your thinking and you’ll change your money situation. Creative things often take a while before you start to produce income. Most authors, for instance, don’t start making money off their book for two years after they develop their book idea. We have a lot of people in the 48 Days Eagles Community who have a J.O.B. and are building a side business around their passion with 15 hours a week. Scott Stearman, who is an upcoming Monday Mentor in our Eagles Community is a perfect example of someone who transitioned into something totally different when he started sculpting. Lean into what you enjoy most and figure out how you can make that your source of income as well.Quotation:
[click_to_tweet tweet=”“Those Who Dance Are Considered Insane by Those Who Can’t Hear the Music” – Friedrich Nietzsche @48daysteam” quote=”“Those Who Dance Are Considered Insane by Those Who Can’t Hear the Music” – Friedrich Nietzsche”]
- What if my dream isn’t paying the bills There’s a guide there that podcast listener Heather Bonham created to go along with the outline I gave.
- FREE WEBINAR: Next Thursday, May 14th – at 1 pm and 7 pm CT Rising above unexpected challenges Reserve your seat here: