No Excuses
Yes, I encourage you to stay true to yourself – but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn and grow. Knowing yourself is never an excuse for low performance or for staying the same year after year. You can thrive and prosper even while embracing your unique self.
Episode #880 – March 31, 2023
Hi this is Dan Miller – and yes you’re listening to the 48 Days Radio show – where each week we take 48 minutes to dive into real-life questions about finding your passion, deciding what kind of life you want to live – and then finding or creating work that allows you to show up every day, excited to be able to do something that is meaningful, fulfilling – and profitable. This is where normal, indecision and ambiguity come to die. Welcome to the 48 Days Radio Show. >Thank you for being a listener of this podcast. I love hearing from you and being allowed to think through the questions we all have about finding or creating work that matters, for people who care.
I just want to make enough money so I don’t have to work anymore.
Listen in to the story of a guy who has converted a bus into an Airbnb. That with the tree house he rents out, he’s making $50,000 a year and has decided not to work anymore.
I love the creative ideas here, but I question the idea of just stopping.
If your primary goal in working is simply to get to where you don’t have to work anymore, then you clearly have not found the work and life you love.
If you’re doing something you really love, retirement loses its appeal.
I got laid off because the owner wants to preserve cash.
How does it make sense to cut sales to preserve cash? If sales stop, your business is going to be dead very quickly. Sales is the way to increase cash.
However, if having you on the team is costing the business money, then the boss is right to let you go. Everyone on the team should be helping to make the company money.
I want to start my own business but I know so little about the technical aspects of web development and marketing.
Creating a website and marketing is a very common “opportunity” for many people who are starting a business.
I’ve always found people whose skills are better than my own in this area.
One source we recommend is Ryan Reger’s Legendary VAs. He helps you find folks who are gifted in skills that you are not.
I recommend you not try to become good at everything in your business.
Check out my list of skills and abilities you need to be an entrepreneur here.
You won’t find anything on this list about HTML coding or accounting or other specific technical abilities.
There are other sites where you can get a very simple website very quickly and easily — more of a cookie-cutter approach.
This is who I am. I am not the aggressive entrepreneur type. How does someone like me maximize success without these aggressive entrepreneurial traits.
Success principles are not something we’re born with. They are something we practice and learn.
If you’re content with your life as it is then that’s fine. But if you want to be more successful, you have to learn and apply the traits. Who you are is not an excuse.
That doesn’t mean you have to change how you’re wired or how you relate to other people. But you use that as a starting point and learn how you can use your personality traits to your advantage — to grow and learn and move forward.
But don’t use it as an excuse to not learn and grow.
I saw an article recently where Warren Buffet recommended that we imagine he told you that you could pick out any car you want and it’s yours. But it will be the only car you’ll ever have. How would you decide what car to get, and how would you take care of it?
He went on to say that we only get one body and one mind. How are we taking care of those?
That’s why I talk so much about how we can grow and improve ourselves — how we can take care of our minds.
I have looked inward at my skills, abilities, and personality traits as well as my values, dreams, and passions, and the few things I have come up with don’t really excite or interest me.
You should be able to find some things that do excite you. That baffles me a bit that you can’t. There has to be something that attracts your curiosity that you would want to explore and then become good at.
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